Anonymous ID: c9b736 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.7579250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258



I was almost over my "i may have been sra'd as a young kid" phase while researching pizzagate and all of it until i saw this. I might not live in florida either. But This is all i remember under A PIZZARIA IN A SHOPPING CENTER. Kitchen somehow went to one of these. I thing under the pizza oven. Not sure how or why i was there. Always thought it was a bad dream. my whole life is obsessing over exposing freemasonry for what i belive is going in tunnels like these and i dont even know what and coming back up to the surface. I dont remember anything but fear and these tunnels and going down and in the kitchen of the pizzeria being carried under my armpits kicking and screaming. It was by a toy store. Between the stores i think they had a stairwell.

Anonymous ID: c9b736 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:41 p.m. No.7579258   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9479


the fucking mickey mouse. They wear it so you can't say anything no one believes mickey takes kids under the toy store. I just remembered i had a cat named mickey for like a month i think as a way to get me to stop saying the word..

Anonymous ID: c9b736 Dec. 21, 2019, 12:42 a.m. No.7579416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9421


>You are saying dis will habben and dat will habben

fuck you i know what your doing and im tired of it. Stop the black shit. stop the gaslighting. Im tired of it.

Anonymous ID: c9b736 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:15 a.m. No.7579479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9496


I dont remember the micky mouse i Didnt see anyone have a mickey mouse mask.

a neighbor of my parents friend had a clown mask. a rubber clown mask. and that could have been something he just put on one time to scare me. But i dont know why i think its related to the underground. I was in a car when he put on the clown mask. in the back of a utility car. May be different memory. Also one time someone i suspect was an illuminati asked me to search for "time out dolls" pic related and that lead me to have another freak out memory of playing tag and running after a fake boy.

anyone else have little things like this that they remember maybe we can awaken to whatever happened or if its one of those things that just scares kids like clowns. Thats why the use it for adrenochrome the shriner people who lie and gaslight and drink blood and talk shit on the radio staring at you dance. Dance not often for fucks sakes but about once a week maybe shuffle a little bit as you walk out of the room.


this is why i hate freemasonry pic related. oh that's not fair to say that fuck you go stab kids underground and chase them around and scare the hell out of them for no apparent reason. OH YEA ITS TO MAKE THEM NEVER SAY THE WORD MASON. MASONS DO THIS TO KIDS SCARE THEM AT SOME HOUSE TO INSTILL THEM WITH A "dont talk about the special people" FEAR. IT DIDNT WORK ON ME.