Anonymous ID: e658bd Dec. 21, 2019, 3:45 a.m. No.7579750   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ego vs. Value. Decodes, thoughts and just interesting opinions. The strive for approval, the knowing of being right is a drive that forces so many decisions. Yet, is this not the ego talking? Where is the line drawn? I ask because we are in a world where many are attempting to take our liberties and so many want to keep freedom alive. We are watching a movie, patriots are in control. So do decodes, predictions and digs change the landscape? Can what one discovers alter the course of history? A valid question when one understands both sides are looking for the answers to get a one up on the other. But can either side change the path we are already on?

By applying the hive mind to the proper ability in decoding certain messages will that help make the world a better place? Where do anons make the distinction on what to share? By decoding messages of good actors can we create a negative path, or do all decodes in fact only help create the peaceful world so many are searching for?

Sorry to wander, but these are the questions I have. Does ego take over only if thoughts are thrown out there to say I said that first, or is being anonymous saying you are only throwing them out there to spread knowledge. But, what if that knowledge helps bad actors hurt good people?

I by no means have any value more than another, but what are the boundaries? What if what you discover then helps the wrong side? When do you decide to keep the dig hidden? Keep what you discovered to yourself? But then what of the collective consciousness? Are there expectations of attempting to find the truth in the depth of comms between all parties? Does that in fact move things forward in a good way? Are anons expected to push forward and discover the truth in how things are laid out?