Anonymous ID: d6b19b Dec. 21, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.7581316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1366 >>1406 >>1490

Did the deep state just thwart Q/white hats bye not passing Impeachment to the Senate?


In order for "the Plan" to come to fruition, the guilty of the congress must be adjourned, for arrests to be made. Patriots will still be sitting at the kiddy table for the holidays, and nothing is made public, the media still blessing this evil and your family members still choose to see no evil.


Even when we take the long road and abide by the law, the demon-crats and their deep state cronies, still control the game and the optic.


What has POTUS done to cripple the media? Is their any attempted legislation addressing the corrupt and complicit media? No! Why? The plan was always to keep you divided.


The proof is in the fact that nothing will happen before Xmas, why let these traitors enjoy their spoils and continue to destroy our country if destruction of this country isn't the plan?


Does "Trust the Plan" = don't do anything yet, were not ready, lead to the big bleed?


The demon-rats are masters of politics and legal schemes, they are not this stupid, so they must be part of "the plan"


We lost the war before the first shot was fired, we were never a threat because we put faith in "the plan", silly Christians have been mislead for centuries, and your beliefs are going to march you straight to hell, hell on earth.


You were talked out of acting for your country, believing in the unknown and unseen, and in the end, when it is time to act, you will sit idle as believers do, waiting for someone or something else to do that which was your responsibility all along.


Your soul, your freedom, your choice hung in the balance, what did you do, You Q'ed

Anonymous ID: d6b19b Dec. 21, 2019, 10 a.m. No.7581465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1482


I think you still have some shit in your hands, those you had open wishing for something, you got nothing but shit you fucknut.

this is where you tell me how much you know about what really is going on, yet you choose to know nothing and assume everything. Hope is not an answer, action is all that matters, no concrete actions have been taken to fix media or disinformation, no guarantee Trump gets reelected, doing it in an election year opens the door for to many excuses (promises of action) and the message is handled by that which you choose to ignore, great plan!

count on evil and bloodshed, that is in your near future.