Anonymous ID: dc28d6 Dec. 21, 2019, 9:10 a.m. No.7581132   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One America News was reporting on this over a YEAR-and-a-Half ago, while Faux would ban JUDICIAL WATCH'S Director, Chris Farrell, for "antisemitic rhetoric" (Soros' Open Society Foundation funding migrant 'caravans').

George Soros is Trying to Buy District Attorney Elections Across America

May 23, 2018

With looming midterm elections, many Democrats see an opportunity to make a power grab and seize back key areas out from under conservative leadership. In this special report, One America’s Pearson Sharp explains how socialist billionaire George Soros is doing everything he can to make that happen.

Of course, Faux didn't dare mention this, either:

Prosecutor who dropped Smollett charges was Given $400K by George Soros

Explains how Soros funds DAs who are "EASY ON CRIME".