Anonymous ID: a73285 Dec. 21, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.7581737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1786 >>1807 >>1961 >>2211

Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master



In 3 stunning documents, allegedly hacked from email correspondence between the hedge fund manager and Ukraine President Poroshenko,

Soros lays out "A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine," expresses his confidence that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force," and finally explained Poroshenko's "first priority must be to regain control of financial markets," which he assures the President could be helped by The Fed adding "I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement."



Letters show that GS funded Ukraine's National Reform Council (NRC) through the International Renaissance Foundation (Open Society) until the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development

"Nevertheless, the NRC is up and running. It functions quite well in setting the

legislative priorities and the President and the Prime Minister have been working

together pushing bills through the Rada."



The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is owned by 71 shareholders, 69 countries and two international organisations.

When each country or organisation became a shareholder - in many cases at the point of our establishment in the early 1990s - they made a contribution to an overall capital base.

Additional contributions as well as commitments - in the form of callable credit guarantees - have also been made in the period since the EBRD's founding, contributing to its very strong capital base, which in turn has led to its robust credit ratings.

That capital base allows the EBRD to raise funds which ultimately form the investment in projects.

