Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:06 a.m. No.7581502   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gladio: the Story of a Conspiracy




Albert Camus in his essay “L’Exil d’Hélène” discusses contemporary disregard for the Greek value of limits. Camus writes that only the artist by his nature recognizes his limits, limits which the historic spirit disregards. The very idea of a super-secret organization like Gladio to remake the world in its own image reflects that same disregard for the Greek values that Camus so cherished.


When in the early 1970s an Italian right-wing journalist told me about a secret army training in Italy’s mountains, I scoffed at first thinking he was repeating a rumor picked up from some scoop-obsessed reporter. But my tune began changing when he gave it a name—“Stay Behind Army”—and explained it was a secret army to fight the Soviet armies which someday soon would invade West Europe. He gave me the name of a member of that secret army who would talk with me.


A few days later on a street corner near Rome’s Sapienza University I met a sleazy-looking Roman in his early twenties accompanied by a friend. Both of them kept looking around us, as if checking for tails. Their behavior was that of men on the run, yet men of destiny. They talked readily. And I, without realizing it, was being shown a speck of a new planet. Speaking softly in a crisp language with their Rome accents, they told me they had just finished a military training course in the nearby Abruzzi Mountains after having done basic training in Sardinia. Several times they used the term “Secret Army”, lowering their voices and glancing around each time they pronounced the words. And no, they answered, the organizers would not allow journalist visits, and that yes, the secret army was well equipped and ready.


Years later, in the late 1980s or early 90s, it happened by chance that I met in a Rome hotel bar an American who knew details about that secret army. I was sitting on a stool at the bar of the luxurious Grand Hotel waiting for an appointment with a well-known writer when the man sat down on the stool next to me. I recognized William Colby from pictures of him in the press announcing the presence in Rome for a conference of the former Director of the CIA. I nodded, said hello, and we chatted bar talk until the chat turned into a short interview, which I subsequently published in the European press. I told him I knew who he was, and as we spoke I asked him point-blank about the mysterious Stay-Behind Army.



Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:07 a.m. No.7581506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1516 >>1539 >>1659 >>1688 >>1961 >>2211

Polish Supreme Court says the country might have to leave the EU


The left-leaning Polish Supreme Court has warned that the country could have to leave the European Union over its judicial reform proposals.


The new proposals that have been put forth by Poland’s ruling national-conservative Law & Justice Party are said to tighten the disciplinary responsibility of judges while changing the rules for choosing the first president of the Supreme Court, Do Rzeczy reports.


“The ruling party says changes to the law are needed to fight corruption and reform the judicial system, which, he says, is still haunted by the era of communism. But the EU has accused PiS of politicizing the judiciary since it came to power in 2015,” writes the BBC.


A draft of the proposal that was presented to the Polish parliament on Thursday has been criticized by the European Union as an attempt by the Law & Justice party to “politicize the judiciary for their own gain”.


Despite all of this, support for the European Union in Poland is sky-high. Earlier this year in March, a poll conducted by CBOS revealed that 91% of Poles who were surveyed supported being in the EU, with 85% believing membership in the bloc had helped to boost the economy.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:08 a.m. No.7581512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1560

Australian BOM says some older temperature records should be ignored because they were recorded on a Sunday.


You cannot make this stuff up.


An old record has been ignored by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology because it was recorded on a Sunday, and the record keeper at that time should not have been going in on a Sunday.


Clown world.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.7581520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1534 >>1544

US to resume military training program for Pakistan: State Dept


The Trump administration has approved a resumption of Pakistan’s participation in a coveted US military training and educational program more than a year after it was suspended, the State Department said on Thursday.


The decision to resume Islamabad’s participation in the International Military Education and Training Program, or IMET - for more than a decade a pillar of US-Pakistani military ties - underscores warming relations that have followed meetings this year between US President Donald Trump and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.


Washington also has credited Islamabad with helping to facilitate negotiations on a US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. The talks recently resumed between the United States and the Taliban, who US officials say receive sanctuary and other aid from the Pakistan’s military-led intelligence agency. Pakistan denies the charge.


The State Department administers IMET. It was a small facet of US security aid programs for Pakistan worth some $2 billion that remain suspended on orders that Trump abruptly issued in January 2018 to compel the nuclear-armed South Asian nation to crackdown on extremist militants.


After an attack earlier this year by a Pakistan-based extremist group that killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary troops, US officials called on Islamabad to take “sustained and irreversible action” against militants operating from its territory.


A State Department spokeswoman said in an email that Trump’s 2018 decision to suspend security assistance authorized “narrow exceptions for programs that support vital US national security interests.” The decision to restore Pakistani participation in IMET was “one such exception,” she said.


The program “provides an opportunity to increase bilateral cooperation between our countries on shared priorities,” she added. “We want to continue to build on this foundation through concrete actions that advance regional security and stability.”


The restart of the program, however, is subject to approval by Congress. Republican and Democratic aides for the Senate and House of Representatives committees with jurisdiction over the process did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:11 a.m. No.7581541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1823

It's Official: President Trump Has Signed Space Force Into Existence


Roughly 16,000 active-duty and civilian personnel that make up Air Force Space Command are now assigned to the U.S. Space Force following President Donald Trump's signing of the fiscal 2020 National Defense Authorization Act on Friday evening.


During the signing ceremony, Trump appointed Gen. Jay Raymond as the first Chief of Space Operations. Raymond, who also leads U.S. Space Command, will report to the secretary of the Air Force and sit as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.


Throughout the next 18 months, the U.S. Air Force will further identify the appropriate personnel to transfer branches and become U.S. Space Force service members.


"All airmen currently assigned to Air Force Space Command will now be assigned to U.S. Space Force (USSF)," the service outlined in a document Friday ahead of the NDAA enactment.


Within 60 days, the Air Force will reach out to uniformed airmen "to inform them whether their specialty code is organic to the Space Force, organic to the Air Force, or shared between Air Force and Space Forces," the document states.


"Airmen will be provided options, depending on their specialty code, to volunteer to transfer to the USSF. Based on their preferences and Air Force and Space Force needs, airmen will be selected for Air or Space Force, and we will work to transfer those selected for the Space Force," it continues.


Those service members will retain their rank or grade and their pay remains the same, officials said.


"[The move] will not affect time-in-grade or retirement eligibility," the document says.


Air Force officials, discussing the move on background Friday, told reporters that Space Force cadre members will follow Air Force protocols when it comes to day-to-day activities, standards and requirements like physical training. But as personnel form their own Space Force culture, policies – and someday, uniforms – will be amended.


Potential service members may see a separate Space Force recruiting website down the line, but a separate service academy for space is not currently under consideration, an official said, adding the Defense Department will leverage current recruiting methods and commission officers from existing service academies, Reserve Officer Training Corps programs and officer candidate schools.


Raymond said there are now plans in motion to redesignate Air Force units with a space-only mission, and realign bases for the space mission.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.7581549   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834

Trump pens letter saying ready to continue dialogue to repair US-Russia ties - Lavrov


It was a short letter, Russian Foreign Minister said


MOSCOW, December 21. /TASS/. US President Donald Trump has sent a letter, stating that he is ready to continue dialogue on difficulties in US-Russia relations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.


"President Trump sent a short letter, saying that we are ready to keep searching for solutions to the problems in our relations," Lavrov said in an interview with Channel One.


An excerpt of Lavrov’s interview was aired on Saturday.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov paid a working visit to the United States at Washington’s invitation on December 10. While in the American capital, Lavrov held talks with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and was received by US President Donald Trump. Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said after the visit that they had focused on Syria and Afghanistan, and discussed security, disarmament and strategic stability.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.7581563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1606 >>1834

Nationwide Strikes Continue Against Macron’s Controversial Pension Reform


French President Emmanuel Macron is facing a nationwide strike after the introduction of a proposal that may lead to the reform of the nation’s complex and expensive pension system.


According to AP, the strikes started on Dec. 5 and are continuing throughout France, where hundreds of thousands of workers from different occupations came out to march against the pension system reform that aims at increasing the age of retirement benefits by two years.

A Unified Pension System


According to a May 2018 IPE article, pension system reform was a promise President Macron made during his presidential election, paving the way for him to take office in 2017. He talked about creating a unified pension regime “to clarify and stabilise the rules of pensions, once for all, by setting-up a universal system, fair, transparent and reliable, in which everybody benefits from the exact same rights.”


France’s pension system is a complex process made up of 35 different compulsory pay-as-you-go retirement schemes, and the schemes do not perform similar functions and vary depending on the industry and the classification of the workers. As a result, some workers receive only a basic pension through the first-pillar scheme. The second-pillar scheme provides additional pension rights, and the third-pillar allows for a full retirement pension, according to IPE.


According to AP, a unified state pension system would violate the rights of a certain group of workers who are supposed to retire as early as their 50s.


But French workers claim that a universal system is unfair, and they will have to work more and will receive less pension provision under the new reforms which plan to increase the retirement age from 62 to 64.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.7581576   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reality Check: Trump Has NOT Been Impeached and Power Tripping Pelosi is Guilty of “Obstruction of Congress”


If you are the type who cares about semantics and official narratives, THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL IMPEACHMENT until it goes to The Senate.




Furthermore, some are saying that Pelosi could be charged with “Obstruction of Congress.”


That actually sounds like a good thing to some of us, but not this time.


“In the future, you could have a House impeach a president, hold the articles back as a way to extort the president unless you do our bidding, unless you reach an agreement to our liking,” Lindsey Graham said.


“The Constitution never envisioned the House being able to impeach the president and dictate the terms of the trial in the Senate and hold them back at a time of their choosing,” he said. “That does create a Constitutional extortion mechanism that’s dangerous for the country.”




Amen to that Lindsey Graham!


Pelosi is on the most obscene political power trip that we have seen in years. says that The Senate could now charge Pelosi with Obstruction of Congress:


Both the corrupt democrats and corrupt republicans will do anything to get Trump out of office so they don’t lose their lifetime cushy corrupt jobs or end up in jail!


Their impeachment coup is another way Dems showing just how desperate they are.


But also somewhere along the way they also broke the law.


As Breitbart reported the Senate could charge Pelosi with obstruction of Congress.


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is refusing to transmit the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump that the House of Representatives passed on Wednesday evening to the Senate for a trial.


She is, in the words of the articles, guilty of “obstruction of Congress.” And unlike President Trump, Speaker Pelosi has no constitutional basis whatsoever for refusing the request of one of the two houses that make up the legislative branch.


Pelosi is dragging her feet, amidst reports that she will not transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate until early January.


It is not clear why the Senate needs to wait: Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution says clearly: “The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.”




FoxNews is also reporting that isn’t really an Impeachment as witness Noah Feldman has explained. (note to Schiff: Pick witnesses that support your side next time)


Not that some patience is not in order with Christmas coming, but The Senate owes it to Trump and America to push back at this evil witch.


Pelosi is not dictator.


We watched their sham impeachment that was anything but fair and now she is trying to negotiate a Senate impeachment that is weighted against Trump.


The concessions and stipulations she has in mind would be interesting to hear, out of sheer curiosity, but she is not running this show.


Once the House voted she became somewhat of a spectator.


If she doesn’t send the articles over to the Senate soon, she might be the one on trial.


We can only hope.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:16 a.m. No.7581583   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Belgium: Less than 1 in 10 migrants issued deportation orders are actually deported


Only 8.5 percent of migrants who’ve been issued deportation orders in Belgium end up actually being deported from the country, new government statistics have revealed.


Statistical data released by the Belgian Immigration Office has revealed that of the 33,386 illegal migrants who were issued deportation orders in 2018, only 7,399 are confirmed to have left the country, while just 2,842 people were actually deported, Vlaamse Radio Television (VRT) reports.


According to VRT, successfully returning migrants back to their homelands isn’t just a problem that’s unique Belgium. Other European countries are having difficulties with this as well. One of the main issues that limit the success of deportations is the lack of assistance from the migrant’s home countries.


“Everything depends on the cooperation of the country of origin,” explained Geert Devulder, a spokesman for Belgium’s Immigration Office. “Many countries make it difficult to deliver the necessary travel documents, especially if the person in question does not apply for them themselves.”


“With Albania, for example, the EU has a well-functioning readmission agreement,” Devulder added. Other countries such as those from the Middle East and Africa often take a long time to deliver the necessary travel documents for migrants to be sent home. In many cases, they fail to send them at all.


Days ago, Voice of Europe reported that the city of Ghent – Belgium’s second most populous city – has seen its migrant population nearly double in the last four years alone.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:18 a.m. No.7581586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834

‘They’ll soon demand we stop breathing’: Moscow slams Nord Stream 2 sanctions, says US hinders economic growth


The US, a country with a mammoth national debt, is trying to prevent others from growing their economies, the Russian Foreign Ministry said following actions taking aim at the Russo-German Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.


Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova lashed out at the US’ crippling sanctions regarding the pipeline this Friday.


“A state with a $22-trillion national debt prohibits creditworthy countries to develop the real sector of their economies!” she wrote in a Facebook post, adding that the “American ideology of living on loan has not withstood global competition.”


They will soon demand we stop breathing immediately. And many will obey, after all.


Russia “has implemented, and will continue to implement, its economic projects regardless of any sanctions,” but the whole affair will show whether European countries are ready to sacrifice their own energy interests for those of the US, the Foreign Ministry added later in a statement.


The sanctions package specifically targets companies involved in building the last remaining leg of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline that runs between the Russian and German coastlines through the Baltic Sea. Berlin has already expressed unease over the US’ move, calling it interference in their domestic affairs.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.7581600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1619 >>1621 >>1643 >>1659 >>1766 >>1961 >>2144 >>2171 >>2211

Michigan county threatens to demolish 14 Amish homes unless they give up their religious beliefs and upgrade their homes


After harassing the Amish community for years regarding its water supply and disposal, the county health department posted signs on the Amish families’ homes earlier this year condemning them as “unfit for human habitation” and filed lawsuits against 14 Amish families in November.


If successful, the lawsuits would result in the demolition of the Amish families’ homes and would effectively banish an entire religious community from Lenawee County. The ACLU and Wright & Schulte filed answers to those lawsuits Wednesday in Lenawee County Circuit Court, which include counterclaims against the county for religious discrimination in violation of the federal and state constitutions and the federal Fair Housing Act.


The Amish community in Lenawee County adheres to their “old order” religious way of life by hand-pumping water from wells, using outhouses instead of flush toilets, and not using electricity, cell phones, or automobiles. Despite the fact that the Amish community’s choice to live in traditional ways causes no harm to themselves or anyone else, the Lenawee County Health Department has condemned their homes and is now asking a court to authorize the demolition of their property, unless the Amish community abandons its religious beliefs.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7581616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1625 >>1644 >>1653 >>1659 >>1663 >>1727 >>1834 >>1865 >>1961 >>2211

License to kill: MI5 agents can commit serious crimes like murder and torture, tribunal rules


A UK tribunal has ruled that British secret agents can lawfully commit grave criminal offenses including murder, kidnap, and torture in the course of intelligence gathering.


Representing the British government, Sir James Eadie QC said it would be “impossible” for agents to maintain cover if they were not allowed to do so.


The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) ruled 3-2 in favor of the government, saying that MI5’s guidelines do not breach human rights and that the agency has an “implied power” under the Security Service Act 1989 to authorise crimes.


The case was brought against the Security Service by four human rights organisations – Privacy International, Reprieve, the Committee on the Administration of Justice, and the Pat Finucane Centre.


The groups had asked the IPT to declare the policy illegal and grant an injunction “restraining further unlawful conduct.”


While the tribunal ruled in favor of the government, it added that its 56-page judgement does not mean MI5 has “any power to confer immunity from liability under either the criminal law or the civil law.” In other words, the ruling does not grant those who commit serious crimes immunity from prosecution. The official authorization of crimes acts as the service's “explanation and justification of its decision should the criminal activity of the agent come under scrutiny by an external body, e.g. the police or prosecuting authorities.”


In the majority opinion, Lord Justice Singh said that preventing agents from committing crimes “would strike at the core activities of the Security Service.”


The case marked the first time the IPT, which hears complaints about the intelligence services, has ever published dissenting opinions. In his dissenting judgement, Professor Graham Zellick QC said that accepting the government's arguments “would open the door to the lawful exercise of other powers of which we have no notice or notion, creating uncertainty and a potential for abuse.”

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.7581751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1763

“I’ve Seen the Documents” – Rep. Ratcliffe Confirms Obama Deep State Was Lying and Spying on Trump Camp Way Before Opening Crossfire Hurricane


On Friday night former US Attorney and Rep. John Ratcliffe went on with Jason Chaffetz on Hannity and revealed he has seen the documents that indicate that Comey and Brennan were running an op BEFORE the opening of Crossfire Hurricane.


Fired FBI Director James Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016.


Comey lied.


TGP contributor Joe Hoft reported on this back in March of 2019.

The Gateway Pundit confirmed at that time that the Obama CIA and FBI were spying on Trump way before Crossfire Hurricane.


The pieces of the coup to undermine the Constitution of the United States of America are coming undone. Evidence from various sources now confirms that Obama’s CIA, DOJ and FBI illegally spied on the Trump team starting in 2015 and then built a coup to prevent him from winning the election and later remove him from office!


As we reported on June 4, 2018, the US Senate released over 500 pages of information related to the Spygate scandal. Hidden in the information were unredacted Strzok – Page texts that show the FBI initiated actions to insert multiple spies in the Trump campaign in December 2015.


We reported that according to far left LA Times, Comey stated in March of 2017 under oath that the FBI investigation into the Trump – Russia scandal started in July 2016. Now we know without a doubt that Comey lied about this.


A text message released by the US Senate showed words that were redacted when the FBI released the same texts long ago. The texts show evidence of collusion and wrongdoing by Obama’s FBI.


Super-spy Tony Shaffer retweeted a tweet by Nick Falco showing that text messages between dirty cops Peter Strzok and his girlfriend in the FBI, Lisa Page, lead to information that ‘Spygate’ started in early 2015 –

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.7581758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834

Pompeo Slams China, Russia for Vetoing UN Syria Resolution, Claims Blood on Their Hands


The United Nations Security Council gathered Friday to vote on two rival resolutions related to cross-border humanitarian aid to Syria, with neither receiving the necessary support from the body's members.


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has blasted Russia and China over their move to veto Friday's draft resolution on Syrian aid, calling their behaviour 'shameful'.


"The Russian Federation's and China's veto yesterday of a Security Council resolution that allows for humanitarian aid to reach millions of Syrians is shameful," Pompeo wrote in a statement released Saturday.


"To Russia and China, who have chosen to make a political statement by opposing this resolution, you have blood on your hands," he added.


The US backed one of two draft resolutions on extending UN-supported humanitarian assistance to Syria on Friday, with Russia and China using their veto power to stop the proposal. Moscow justified the move by saying the resolution did not account for realities on the ground in Syria, and said it threatened to undermine Syria's sovereignty.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 10:40 a.m. No.7581779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834

‘Destruction Will be Universal’: Former Saudi Intelligence Chief on Potential War With Iran


Hostilities between the United States and its Arab allies, on one side, and Iran, on the other side, shaped this year’s political landscape in the Middle East and brought the region to the brink of an armed conflict.


Prince Turki Al-Faisal, the former head of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence agency, has warned that the possibility of a military conflict in the Middle East persists, even though the escalation of tensions stopped in the past two months.


Prince Turki spoke to reporters on Friday as he visited London to promote an exhibition about his father, the late King Faisal.


“We have seen no signs from Iran that they are pulling back on their very negative and provocative military posturing – not just towards Saudi Arabia – but towards the rest of the countries in the area,” he told Sky News.


“Nobody wants war, that’s for sure, because nobody will be a winner in a military conflict. The destruction will be universal.”


Prince Turki, 74, is currently chairing the King Faisal Centre for Research and Islamic Studies. He was the director of al-Mukhabarat al-A’amah, Saudi Arabia's intelligence agency, from 1977 to 2001, before serving as ambassador to the UK in 2003-2005 and to the US in 2005-2007.


Saudi Arabia, which has aligned itself more closely with the United States since Donald Trump took office, saw tensions increase dramatically in the Persian Gulf this year because of Iran’s reluctance to cave in to America’s “maximum pressure” campaign.


Donald Trump last year quit the Obama-era nuclear deal and imposed a set of stringent sanctions on the oil sector-dependent Islamic Republic in a bid to pressure it into a new agreement. His rationale is that the previous pact had failed to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons and supporting terrorism – allegations Tehran denies.


The situation became more combustible over the summer following attacks on oil tankers in the Gulf, seizures of vessels by Britain and Iran, the destruction of a US spy drone over Iran and attacks on Saudi oil facilities.


The shoot-down of the drone nearly caused the United States to launch a strike against Iran in response, while the drone attacks on Saudi Aramco’s oil refineries in September briefly knocked out 5 percent of global oil output. Yemen’s Houthi militia claimed responsibility for the Aramco drone strikes, but Saudi Arabia and the United States accused Iran of orchestrating them. Tehran rejects the allegations.


As Iran continues to roll back its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal, the pressure is likely to continue and put more strain on its relations with the United States and its allies.


SAUDISRAELIA Eastern and Western Cahilla's align for war with Iran

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 11 a.m. No.7581963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tucker Carlson Exposes D.C. ‘Conservatives’ for Doing Big Tech’s Bidding


Fox News host Tucker Carlson slammed establishment conservatives for taking money from big tech companies to do their bidding, on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Friday night.


The popular host, known for his no-holds-barred denunciations of establishment conservatives as well as Democrats, revealed massive spending by the establishment conservative Koch Foundation to protect big tech in Washington.


Tucker revealed that Americans for Prosperity, a “purportedly conservative group” controlled by the Kochs, launched an ad campaign trying to stave off the closing net of antitrust enforcement against Google and Facebook. The ads targeted Republican and Democrat state attorneys general that were investigating alleged antitrust violations by big tech companies.


The Koch-funded group also targeted members of the Senate Judiciary Committee with digital ads urging them to “oppose any effort to use antitrust laws to break up America’s innovative tech companies,” reported Carlson.


The Fox host ran through a laundry list of allegedly “conservative” D.C. think tanks that take money from big tech, and often advocate against regulating them over political bias or any other matter.


“In all, the Koch network quietly spent at least $10 million defending Silicon Valley companies that work to silence conservatives.”


“Google has given money to at least 22 right-leaning institutions that are also funded by the Koch network,” reported Carlson.


“Those institutions include the American Conservative Union, the American Enterprise Institute, the National Review Institute, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the Mercatus Center.”


Carlson explained that this spending gets results.


“In September of 2018, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and three other groups funded by Google and the Kochs sent a joint letter to the Attorney General at the time, Jeff Sessions, expressing grave concerns over the DoJ’s plans to look into whether search engines and social media were hurting competition and stifling speech.”


Carlson also called out The Heritage Foundation, arguing that its shilling for big tech meant that it “no longer represents the interest of conservatives, at least on the question of tech.”


“A recent paper by Heritage, entitled ‘Free Enterprise Is the Best Remedy For Online Bias Concerns,’ defends the special privileges that Congress has given to left-wing Silicon Valley monopolies. And if conservatives don’t like it, Heritage says, well they can just start their own Google!”


Evidence of big tech’s efforts to co-opt establishment conservatives has been accumulating for some time. In March, Breitbart News published leaked audio from a senior director of public policy at Google, talking about using funding of conservative institutions to “steer” the movement. Another part of the leaked audio transcript was also revealed on Tucker Carlson’s show at the same time.


The Heritage Foundation has continued to defend big tech against efforts to strip them of their special legal privileges, which were given to them by Congress in the 1990s and are enjoyed by no other type of company.


This is despite the fact that Google publicly snubbed the foundation last year, canceling the formation of a planned “A.I ethics” council after far-left employees of the tech company threw a hissy fit over the fact that Heritage president Kay Coles James was set to be one of its members.

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.7581985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2017

Anonymous ID: b09eab Dec. 21, 2019, 11:05 a.m. No.7582018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Maryland Elections Board sued for hiding voter registration records


The left likes to claim that voter fraud is rare and mostly involves foreign nations. However, the truth is voter rolls are in poor shape in far too many areas of the country leading to cases like this one in Maryland.


A watchdog group is suing the Maryland state board of elections for hiding voter registration records.


The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), an Indiana-based election integrity group, filed a complaint Dec. 16 against several individuals with Maryland’s state board of elections for alleged violations of the National Voter Registration Act’s public disclosure provision. The group sought a copy of the statewide voter registration list on Nov. 13 and offered to pay the required fees for the records. Two days later, an individual with the board of elections denied PILF’s request, stating that only Maryland residents can obtain voter data.


“Maryland stood to make at least $250 from selling their voter data like usual, but decided to flaunt a recent court decision against them and refused PILF’s application,” Logan Churchwell, communications director at PILF, told the Washington Free Beacon. “Now, they have to defend a second federal lawsuit and risk paying attorneys’ fees. It doesn’t pay to hide public records—and here, it’s actually profitable to disclose them.”


“This case is greater than a denied open records request,” Churchwell continued. “This is a statement to election officials around the nation that you cannot expect to get away with denying a critical voting right—the right to inspect our election records.”


Maryland’s state board of elections did not respond to a request for comment by press time.


The lawsuit comes as PILF has found instances across the country of duplicate registrations, deceased individuals still registered to vote, and voter rolls that contain more individuals than there are eligible voters.