Anonymous ID: fada54 Dec. 21, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7581619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1713



>>7581600 Michigan county threatens to demolish 14 Amish homes unless they give up their religious beliefs and upgrade their homes


If people choose to live as their ancestors did without electricity or other modern conveniences, who are we to gainsay their choice? Their lifestyle hurts no one and there is absolutely no justification for county officials to harass these people over their religious beliefs.

Anonymous ID: fada54 Dec. 21, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.7581677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1701 >>1746




Artificial "generation" labels don't matter either – they only serve to divide unnecessarily. Consider POTUS's age. You have no idea who has been here from the outset fighting by your side without pause.