` ID: 24194a Dec. 21, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.7583156   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3166 >>3232 >>3671

Theron Q Dumont


The first name is Greek, meaning One of the Wild Beasts

The last name is French meaning Of the mountain

Q means The Source


This was the pen name if William Walker Atkinson

WW? Marshal Mathers? William Windsor? Some say this is a sign of the beast.

Have you ever heard of anyone with the middle name Walker before?




New Thought Movement


And look at the books that he wroteโ€ฆ


Practical Mental Influence

The Secret of Success

Practical Mind-Reading

Thought-Force in Business & Everyday Life

Memory: How to Develop Train & Use It

Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World


And also, The Master Mind attached here as a PDF


Please do not misunderstand me

I'm not saying that he is evil,

just that he is part of a group of people

who believe that every human

has within them

A Superman

waiting to get out.

If you follow the path of Jesus

Of Edgar Cayce

Or of Norman Vincent Peale

Then you will pray,

Accept God's guidance

And be a force for good in the world


The essence of evil

Is not spooky symbols

It is the belief that humans can be separate from God

It is acting as though God is dead

It is ignoring God's guidance

Because that is what Satan does

And following his path is clearly not working out for his minions.

` ID: 24194a Dec. 21, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7583232   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3671



The Power Of Positive Thinking

by Norman Vincent Peale

who was a minister in New York

at a church that was attended

by the family of Frederick Trump

a wealthy property developer in Queens, NY

whose residential buildings in the Brighton Beach area

were popular with Russians who had emigrated to the USA

after WWII because these Jews had faced persecution in Europe.




Did you know that he was a Dutch Reformed Minister?

That he was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemason?


Did you ever think thatโ€ฆ

The Plan

Begun 56 years ago

Might have chosen a certain unruly but tough teenager

For special training in NYMA (because the J in NJMZa does not mean fighter plane)

To become one of a small group of fighters

Who would take down the Cult of ConArtists

Restore the Republic

And the Sovereign human rights of Free Will and Direct Communication with God?


Because that is what I think.

` ID: 24194a Dec. 21, 2019, 2:11 p.m. No.7583624   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3671

The Senate passed legislation on Tuesday to impose sanctions on Dutch-Swiss company Allseas for helping to build Nord Stream 2, a Russia-to-Germany natural gas pipeline. The legislation awaits signing by Trump. But the project is nearly complete, so it was uncertain whether the measures would slow its construction.


Even before Trump became president, Washington opposed Nord Stream 2 saying it would increase Russia's political and economic grip over Europe.


But what will the real-world effects be?


Seems to me that this will pressure European companies to become more tightly integrated with Russia, because they will have difficulties doing business with companies that need to maintain a good relationship with the USA.


At worst, it will cause one or two companies to cancel contracts, but others will step up and fill the gap. The companies that give up the work, will have to lay off experienced workers. But the new companies will need to hire workers with that kind of experience.


From 40,000 feet, this seems like a shockwave to break apart Globalist economic links and cause sovereign states to do more business domestically or with nearby neighbors. Kind of like the USMCA does.


I still remember back when the Ukraine coup occurred and the EU put major sanctions on Russia. During a meeting with Russian students in Sochi, Putin exhorted them to make the most of the sanctions situation by being entrepreneurs and building import replacement businesses. He said if we're lucky the sanctions will last a few years but we can't depend on that. The time to act is NOW!.


Think about that next time you hear about sanctions. The FakeNews MSM narrative is that they are a punishment like spanking. But in economica, things don't work that way. Every action has many and varied reactions, that are not easy to predict unless you really understand economics well, without your perceptions being distorted by some leftist ideology. And how many people can you think of who fit the bill of CLEAR VISIONARIES?