Anonymous ID: f9c776 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:14 p.m. No.7583193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3204



Do you see why Russia came to Crimea’s aide? Do you see why Crimea (having deep sea port and lines going through) would want to be with Russia, knowing what the [western influencers] were planning?


Also you see the dilemma that Russia is in.. Ukraine ows them BIGTIME and yet, if Russia does not keep selling to them, then 2 things happen.


1.) Ukraine have siphoned gass pff lines, sometimes damaging facilities (stealing) or they (Russia) will be demonized for allowing people to freeze.


Best thing for them is to get Ukraine’s leaders out of power and try to negotiate a peaceful re-unification.. what that would be? Ukraine & Crimea together again or Ukraine/Crimea/Russia re-unification.. which i have no clue that it would work.. prior to [deep state] being there.. i would imagine a way to re-unify w agreement it ever went back swift military action would be taken.


Just a thought. I followed this all closely as it was habbening.