Anonymous ID: 61d178 Dec. 21, 2019, 3:41 p.m. No.7584323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4373 >>4450

Screenshot this before it’s taken down.


Previous post’s validate what has been/is stated (*Qatar, India, Iraq). All of you are being mislead. There’s far more going on behind the scenes and it’s not for the greater good. Why do you think the goal post keeps moving especially when “They have it all?” Think! You are all being corralled and distracted for a reason. “The great event” is coming.


Neither side of the isle has your best interest in mind. What you are witnessing is a power struggle, but both one in the same. “A thousand points of light” There’s a reason they don’t make it all public. “You are watching a movie” (You are given half-truths – truth hidden in plain sight. Posts (SIPRNet) mostly for internal comms (comint) those involved (Very top - down). 2c_Overlay*, key phrase, phrase/structure (go/no go). Find the parallels and you will find the real Truth.


9.11 was the catalyst (their plan). Too many aware, yet planned to lead the way for bigger. Why? What act passed as a result? DATA was always the goal (not to protect, but to collect)! YOU are the new 9.11. Bigger turning point and something they NEED. All paved for new laws/policies/regulations (tech/bio/gov) (Nothing is as it seems). Connected - CERN, GMO, DNA, Chem, 5G, AI, Crypto, “New Energy” -Control. Why was 5G really needed? WW leaders plan. The best way to hide something from public view = hide it in plain sight. Your, your phone, are one (ID). Why are TOS really changing on all platforms, sites, apps? Have your read them? How does this relate?


History (if you look hard) will show progression (their plan). History (if you look hard) will show key players (unified efforts). End of FED will move things at a more rapid pace (not long). WW leaders (meet in secret) Why? What are they trying to get ahead of? Time is of the essence.


Have you ever thought to ask “What God are they are referring to?” Has that question been asked yet? How will they respond? Do you really know who you have been following? Are all “Anons” really “Anons” on this board? Do they have a role to fill? Do you always follow blindly? Don’t Q uestion their authority or you’ll be silenced.


Is your GOD their God? (this very much a spiritual war and you are clueless as to how big this is)


We are putting ourselves and our families at risk by posting and we can’t be as direct as we want for fear of drawing more attention and exposing who we are. We swore an oath and they lied to us.


They want to silence whistleblowers for a reason – Are ES, JA, CM, JK, CR (many more) they threats to you or their PLAN? Not B.hats (the True W.hats) They’ve tried to open your eyes. You are all far from being awake.


What will YOU do if the indictments you expect don’t come to be?


Look around the world? What has been taking place on many continents except in North America? “Dissidence not allowed”


Do you really think the outcome is going to be in your favor? All events NEED to unfold for a reason.