Anonymous ID: 1efcd3 Dec. 21, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.7585878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5911 >>5923 >>5926 >>5951 >>6011 >>6043

Old fags may remember Thomas Wictor who was banned from (((Twitter))). He has popped up on an alternative channel called Social Quodverum. He has some interesting threads as below:



People don't understand the magnitude of what's coming.

They're still thinking really small.

Let me explain what's going to happen.


Trump did everything he could to goad Pelosi into impeaching him.

Right before the impeachment, McConnell told the world that he would do exactly as Trump requested.

This is now going to make Pelosi withhold the articles of impeachment until McConnell agrees to not coordinate.

At the same time, Graham is telling us that there will be no witnesses.


The Democrats think that the Republicans want to get this over as quickly as possible.

McConnell will agree to not coordinate with the White House.

Since McConnell nixed Schumer's witnesses, McConnell will also say, "Fair is fair. The president can't call witnesses."

Then the case goes to trial.


The House managers will present their "evidence."

Then Trump's lawyers will call HIM to the stand.

As defendant, he gets to take the stand.


The defense is not required to share its strategy with the prosecution.


Trump has said all along that this is a political with hunt designed to remove him from office.

"Why would they do that?" his lawyers will ask.

"Because I know what they did. Let me explain."

There can be no objection, because McConnell will have given in to all the demands from the Democrats.

By doing it this way, Republican senators will not have played a part in the destruction of the Democratic party.


What does all this tell you?

It tells you that Trump plans to DEMOLISH the Democrats.

As in, leave none of them standing.

This is the biggest political development in American history.

The only way Trump could ensure that his changes remain in place was by destroying the Democrats.

People can't appreciate how momentous the change will be.

Everything will be different after the trial. EVERYTHING.


Only McConnell and Graham know.

McConnell is happy, and Graham is sick to his stomach.

But Graham is on board. He's leading the Democrats to their destruction.

It's because he knows it's the only way to fix the country.

True heroes go ahead despite their fear and regret and sorrow.

Graham is a hero.

He understand the stakes. And he's chosen the right path.


It's time to stop thinking about this in terms of anything that went before it.

This is totally different.

The outcome is preordained.

So sit back and watch the greatest show ever.


Anonymous ID: 1efcd3 Dec. 21, 2019, 7:13 p.m. No.7585951   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're welcome

Meant to post the link:


Another thread


People are asking about Pelosi delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate.


Hoyer: ‘We need to talk about’ delaying Senate impeachment trial

Some legal scholars have suggested Speaker Nancy Pelosi could consider refusing to transmit articles of impeachment to the Senate.


This is another trap that Trump and McConnell set, and the Democrats fell right into it.

During the Clinton impeachment, the Democrats coordinated with the White House, but of course NOW that is verboten.

McConnell made a big deal out of saying over and over that he would coordinate with the White House.

The plan was to make Pelosi withhold the articles of impeachment until McConnell promised to not coordinate with Trump's lawyers.


Trump is inoculating the Republicans against the fallout of destroying the Democratic party.

Politicians all love each other, so Trump has to make sure that the Republicans have plausible denial.

"Hey, you told us we couldn't coordinate with the White House. If you'd let us coordinate, this wouldn't have happened. Blame yourselves."

I keep telling you that Trump is 5000 steps ahead.


Too many GOP senators are weak and wishy washy, so they would not have agreed to playing a part in the destruction of the Democrats.

Therefore Trump had to fool the Democrats into demanding their own destruction.

McConnell will promise to not coordinate, and Trump's lawyers will call Trump to the stand.

What happens next will be entirely the doing of the Democrats.

They will have made it a condition for having a trial.


Pelosi holds no cards.

Trump plays her like Yoshihiro Naruse plays an 8-string bass.

Casiopea - Drums and Bass solo The Party LiveYouTube


Now I can see the plan in its entirety.

The Democrats are beyond screwed.

They're dead.


Anonymous ID: 1efcd3 Dec. 21, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.7586011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6023






Wictor thread on Hand Grenade throwers


Thread- 2019-12-21

All good thing to those who keep looking.

For years now, I've been searching for two things:

Hand-grenade throwers and infantry guns of the Mexican Revolution.

And I finally found them.

First, the hand-grenade throwers.


The grenades were made of either pipes or tin cans.

They were filled with dynamite and nails, and they were lit with fuses.

Grenade squads operate in groups of 14. They carried no firearms.

All I had were descriptions, and now finally I have a photo.

The interesting thing is that the Japanese, Russians, west Europeans, and Mexicans all created identical hand-grenade tactics independently of each other.

Basically, there's only a few ways to use hand grenades.

In war, trenches are given "traverses."


This is to prevent "enfilading fire."

If a trench doesn't have those kinks, an enemy could stand at one end and shooting everybody standing in it.

Because trenches have traverses, it's really hard to take them.

Behind every corner, the enemy waits with steel shields.

So the hand grenade was developed.


I also needed an infantry gun.

Here it is.


You get in the trench and throw the grenade over the open ground between traverses.

That way you can bomb the enemy without exposing yourself to his fire.

A continuous rain of hand grenades forces the enemy back and out of the trench.

The Mexican grenade squads attacked at night.


This is a small but powerful artillery piece that accompanies the infantry to the front line and blasts targets at point-blank range.

The infantry provide covering fire from rifles and machine guns and the gun crew pushes the gun right up to the target and fires at point-blank range.

Again, the Mexicans developed the weapon independently of the Europeans.


Pancho Villa was a brilliant cavalry general, but he was outclassed by Álvaro Obregón, a former shoe salesman who conceived "elastic defense" before the Germans.

When Villa attacked at night, he ran into barbed wire, and then Obregón turned on search lights.

The riflemen fell back, and Villa ordered his men into the infantry guns.

Hand-grenade throwers finished them off.


Villa lost 80 percent of his cavalrymen in three battles.

The Mexican Revolution led to the chaos that continues to this day.

After Villa was defeated in Mexico, the Germans paid him to launch raids into the US to kill Americans.

It backfired by making the pacifist Woodrow Wilson declare war on Germany.


Today's Democrats are about as demented as Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II.

It's strange to image that he spoke perfect, unaccented, bilingual English.

By the end of the war, the entire German army had deserted.

The Kaiser ordered his army to attack communist protestors.


"Sire, WHAT army?" his Quartermaster General asked.

And suddenly it all became real for Wilhelm.

He had to abdicate and move to the Netherlands.

I take it as a good omen that I found my two photos today.

It sure feels like a message.