Anonymous ID: 81d6d0 Dec. 21, 2019, 7:07 p.m. No.7585913   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>saturnalien digits!!!

Happy solstice and saturnalia on a saturday anons. I was looking for coincidences when a thought suddenly occured to me:


What if the radio transmissions coming from saturn and it's moons are just encrypted messages that can be decrypted using saturn's rings? let me explain:


During WWII roosevelt and churchill were able to have crystal clear conversations with each other that sounded like garbled static to the germans eavesdropping on their comms. All Churchill and roosevelt did was play a couple of identical decrypting phonograph records simultaneously with each other.


What if saturn's rings are the decryption disc for decyphering the screaming static into coherent messages coming from the saturnian moons?


Bonus points if this can be used to somehow solve liber primus of cicada 3301.