Take This As Dismissal ID: 83e167 And Be Sure To Pack Your Toothbrush Dec. 21, 2019, 7:05 p.m. No.7585896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5968 >>6037



What a shame it is, that you are UTTERLY come to naught. One could say most facetiously. One could make the garlic festooned pasta. If sinners entire you, do not consent. Stand not in the assembly of the unrighteous. There was sufficient warning of all of that. So have a breakfast asshole spitshine: NO. No, and by so much it would be just about bursting the logarithmic scales of vocabularia to describe.


You truly must think very little of God, that the cold skeletal fingers of your sewer keg wipemouth give them a piece of my mind could ever touch His servants. Could touch those He loves the most.


They may die. They may be utterly expelled. They are not a part of our family.


This is who the wicked are: that when you smash them THIS hard after the forbearance of a thousand lifetimes and sunsets setting cold on delayed justice, they wish you had stopped them, and will blame you, for pacifism's mastery stance cup of hemlock. At least drink it. You asked for it.


Truly, truly, you asked for it and can have it so may the hand of God be with you.