William Cooper Mystery Babylon series gives us this gem of " Enlightenment " , ( not even the pawns of the lowly blue lodge know this.)
" To further amplify that belief of Mr. Pike's, it becomes important to quote a letter that he wrote on July the 14th, 1889 to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world. Judging from the contents of this letter, it appears that Mr. Pike was attempting to tell 171 the leaders of the various Supreme Councils all over the world that they were to know that Lucifer was the secret god of the Masons.
This letter clearly indicates that he believed the position that Lucifer was a god who had come to earth for the good of mankind. [And] he wrote this:"'That which we must say to the crowd is [presumably, Mr. Pike meant that the 'crowd' was all of the non-Masons, [and] the public at large…[William Cooper: that which we must say to the crowd is]] We worship a God, but it is the God that one adores without superstition.'"[So] it appears that on the purposes of this letter was to advise all of the top ranking Masons that they were to concoct a story that the Masons worshiped the 'traditional' God, so that none could ever accuse them of worshiping a cherub, a non-god, by the name of Lucifer. In other words, they were to deny that Lucifer was their god whenever an outsider was smart enough to break through all of the secrets and figure it out."