Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.7586441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6454 >>6460

Serial Liar Adam Schiff Says He Has No Sympathy For Carter Page After FBI Abused FISA Process to Spy on Him For a Year (VIDEO)


House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff said during an interview with PBS that he has no sympathy for Carter Page after the FBI abused the FISA process to spy on him for a year.


Serial liar Adam Schiff also said that he has no regrets writing a counter-memo in 2018 disputing Nunes and claiming the FBI did not abuse the FISA process in order to spy on Carter Page.


The FBI violated Trump campaign advisor Carter Page’s Constitutional rights when they presented fabricated evidence and withheld exculpatory material from the FISC in order to obtain a total of FOUR FISA warrants on Page.


DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified that the FBI relied “entirely” on Hillary Clinton’s phony dossier in their FISA applications, which claimed Carter Page was working on behalf of the Russian government.


None of these claims were corroborated and the FBI withheld information about the CIA’s decade-long relationship with Carter Page.


In light of Horowitz’s findings, Schiff said he has no sympathy for Carter Page.


“I have to say Carter Page came before our committee and for hours of his testimony, denied things that we knew were true, later had to admit them during his testimony,” Schiff said.


“It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who isn’t honest with you when he comes and testifies under oath. It’s also hard to be sympathetic when you have someone who has admitted to being an adviser to the Kremlin,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:26 p.m. No.7586480   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Delusions of Peace: Assessing North Korea, 2017-19


“Kim Jong-un’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year.” As far as headlines go, that is hard to beat for flamboyance or lack of ambiguity. Yet also, surely, for utter wrong-headedness.


Even in August, when my friend Nick Eberstadt wrote the op-ed thus titled for the New York Times, this was a contrarian line. Most analysts reckoned that North Korea was doing pretty well. After the summit debacle in Hanoi in February, Kim had defiantly resumed testing ballistic missiles—while rebuffing US efforts to hold working level talks on denuclearization. Yet he was rewarded with a third meeting (albeit brief) with a smiling Donald Trump, this time at Panmunjom in June.


For Eberstadt, that “scene had all the makings of a public humiliation.” Kim “scurried down to get whatever face time [Trump] would grant him.” Five months later, this odd reading needs revising, or even reversing. If anyone was humiliated, it wasn’t Kim Jong Un. (How about the nominal host, ROK President Moon Jae-in, shut out of a meeting held in his own country?)


“For perhaps the first time, America seems to be outmaneuvering Team North Korea.” Even in August that boast seemed implausibly sanguine. Would Eberstadt claim the same now?


I would argue the exact opposite. As 2019 ends, Kim Jong Un holds all the cards. No change there: when does he not? The US is on its back foot and floundering.


In Seoul recently, that nice Mr. Biegun sounded almost plaintive: “Let’s get this done. We are here and you know how to reach us.” Thus is the global superpower reduced to pleading with North Korea, which manifestly is no longer interested—having reverted to taunts and insults.


Once again they have us on tenterhooks. We can only wait to see what “Christmas gift” (their sarcastic phrase) Pyongyang has in store. There will be stern words, for sure: at the imminent Party plenary meeting, and in Kim’s New Year address. And doubtless there will be matching deeds, as North Korea’s self-set deadline for the US to change course goes unmet. Resumed ICBM launches? A fresh nuclear test? Both? Or something else, taking us by surprise?

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:27 p.m. No.7586486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6603

Rep. Andy Biggs: FISA Court ‘Needs to Be Eliminated’


Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) recommended elimination of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA Court) during an interview on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX).


Biggs described the FISA Court as contrary to American values of due process.


“It is a secret court that has virtually no oversight and no transparency,” said Biggs. “So if somebody wants to go in and get a warrant, basically nobody is really actively reviewing those warrants other than these FISA court judges, and I think that is star chamber-esque. That is really not the American way.”


Biggs reflected on Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report outlining “17 significant errors or omissions” in the FBI’s application to surveil Carter Page, which occurred during James Comey’s tenure as FBI director under then-President Barack Obama’s administration.


“What I see here is the corruption of the deep state that has been revealed in [Michael Horowitz’s] report and it is what we have seen all along,” stated Biggs, “Michael Horowitz] was limiting his scope to primarily to Carter Page, and you have 17 major problems with just that affidavit to get that warrant.”


FBI misconduct identified in the bureau’s operation against President Donald Trump may be pervasive across federal law enforcement and intelligence institutions, estimated Biggs.


Biggs remarked, “When you start looking at that and start peeling that back and look at the other areas that he found, it’s a pattern that is gross and is serious, and what it does is it undermines the constitutional republic that we have.”


“I think the court needs to be eliminated,” determined Biggs.

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:30 p.m. No.7586509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elizabeth Warren’s Campaign Says Asian, Indian And Middle-Eastern Billionaires Are ‘White’


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s campaign website labeled Asian-American, Indian-American, Iranian-American and Pakistani-American billionaires as “white.”


The Massachusetts senator’s campaign website includes a page on “wealth inequality,” which featured a since-deleted graphic breaking down the 400 wealthiest Americans by race. The graphic included three categories: black, white and Latino (the campaign uses the left-wing term “Latinx”).


According to the graphic, only six of the top 400 wealthiest Americans are non-white — but that’s not accurate. The campaign appears to have classified at least 14 American billionaires of Asian, Indian, and Middle-Eastern descent as “white.”


Taiwanese immigrant David Sun, the co-founder of Kingston Technology, is number 119 on the Forbes list with a net worth of $5.5 billion. Sun is tied at 119 on the list with his business partner, Chinese immigrant John Tu.

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:31 p.m. No.7586519   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Civilians left behind as bias & double standards of West ruin 2 UNSC resolutions on humanitarian aid for Syria – Moscow


As the mainstream media pounds Moscow for “vetoing aid for Syria,” Russia’s UN mission says there was no winner in the latest UN battle during which its own draft resolution was defeated by “bias and double standards.”


The Russian mission to the UN has offered their take on two rival resolutions on Syria which the Security Council rejected during a contentious Friday vote.


One, drafted by Belgium, Germany, and Kuwait, sought to extend the shipping of aid into Syria through three checkpoints – two in Turkey and one in Iraq – for the next year. But the scheme, adopted five years ago without Damascus’ consent, became irrelevant by 2019, the Russian delegation argued.


Delivering aid from Turkey and Iraq was justifiable, although legally questionable, back then because many Syrians civilians lived in hard-to-reach areas controlled by terrorists, Vassily Nebenzia, the Russian ambassador to the UN, explained later.


Now, Damascus is robust enough to distribute supplies on their own – and bypassing government checkpoints would be a sign of disrespect for the country’s sovereignty as “we live in 2019, not in 2014.”


The Russian mission warned the co-authors that their motion was doomed to fail, but it was still put to a vote. Russia and China – two permanent Security Council members – were left with no choice but to veto it.


Likewise, the second resolution to fail was a Russian-sponsored draft that suggested limiting the extension to six months and the number of checkpoints to two that are actually working.


It received five votes in favor from China, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Russia, and South Africa, but the US, UK, France, Poland, Peru, and the Dominican Republic voted against; Germany, Belgium, Kuwait, and Indonesia abstained.


READ MORE: Syria wants Chinese companies to scale up country’s post-war reconstruction


Russia was in fact ready to greenlight the extension if it proved workable within those six months, but “double standards and political bias of our Western partners ruined both draft resolutions,” Nebenzia said.


“We offered a simple and clear solution, and played fair – we said at the very beginning why the current scheme of delivering cross-border assistance should be changed,” Nebenzia stated. Consequently, those in need will be left behind.


Of course, today there are no winners, there are only losers. These are ordinary Syrian citizens who risk being left without aid in the future.


Shortly after the vote, the international media rushed to decry the Russian veto that ostensibly denied millions of Syrians access to humanitarian aid. There was also no shortage of quotes from Western envoys denouncing the “cynical” and “irresponsible” move.


By contrast, only a few outlets quoted Nebenzia, who called the resolution “obsolete.”


For Russian diplomats, the outcome is not surprising. “By tradition, the blame was pinned to us,” Nebenzia noted. “However, I said at the meeting that it would be interesting to see how they’re going to explain to the media why they cut [the motion] down with their own hands.”

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:46 p.m. No.7586639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel fears ICC could issue global arrest warrants for top officials — report


PM, defense ministers, IDF chiefs, low-level soldiers could all face prosecution if probe launched; minister: Netanyahu should give PA ultimatum — pull ICC appeal or be torn down


Israel fears the International Criminal Court’s decision to move forward with a potential investigation into crimes allegedly committed in the Palestinian territories by Israel will open up current and former government officials and military personnel to prosecution on the global stage, according to a report Saturday.


With Israel planning to refuse to cooperate with a potential investigation by the ICC, officials fear top officers of the Israel Defense Forces, as well as low-ranking soldiers, could face international arrest warrants, Israel’s Channel 12 reported.


The prime minister, defense ministers, IDF chiefs and the heads of the Shin Bet security service over the past five years could all face the danger of prosecution.


The ICC deals with the prosecution of individuals for alleged crimes, rather than states.


Regarding the question of whether Israel will cooperate with the ICC’s pre-trial chamber in the coming 120 days, an official in the PMO said: “A decision will be reached after the legal teams make their recommendations.”


Meanwhile diplomatic sources told Channel 12: “There will be no cooperation with the court… certainly not if it will eventually be decided to open an [official] probe.”


Private Israeli organizations could potentially defend those prosecuted but the Israeli government would not work with a probe in any formal capacity, they said.

Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:49 p.m. No.7586655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6686

How Big Tech Manipulates Academia to Avoid Regulation


The irony of the ethical scandal enveloping Joichi Ito, the former director of the MIT Media Lab, is that he used to lead academic initiatives on ethics. After the revelation of his financial ties to Jeffrey Epstein, the financier charged with sex trafficking underage girls as young as 14, Ito resigned from multiple roles at MIT, a visiting professorship at Harvard Law School, and the boards of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the New York Times Company.


Many spectators are puzzled by Ito’s influential role as an ethicist of artificial intelligence. Indeed, his initiatives were crucial in establishing the discourse of “ethical AI” that is now ubiquitous in academia and in the mainstream press. In 2016, then-President Barack Obama described him as an “expert” on AI and ethics. Since 2017, Ito financed many projects through the $27 million Ethics and Governance of AI Fund, an initiative anchored by the MIT Media Lab and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University. What was all the talk of “ethics” really about?


For 14 months, I worked as a graduate student researcher in Ito’s group on AI ethics at the Media Lab. I stopped on August 15, immediately after Ito published his initial “apology” regarding his ties to Epstein, in which he acknowledged accepting money from the financier both for the Media Lab and for Ito’s outside venture funds. Ito did not disclose that Epstein had, at the time this money changed hands, already pleaded guilty to a child prostitution charge in Florida, or that Ito took numerous steps to hide Epstein’s name from official records, as The New Yorker later revealed.


The discourse of “ethical AI” was aligned strategically with a Silicon Valley effort seeking to avoid legally enforceable restrictions of controversial technologies.


Inspired by whistleblower Signe Swenson and others who have spoken out, I have decided to report what I came to learn regarding Ito’s role in shaping the field of AI ethics, since this is a matter of public concern. The emergence of this field is a recent phenomenon, as past AI researchers had been largely uninterested in the study of ethics. A former Media Lab colleague recalls that Marvin Minsky, the deceased AI pioneer at MIT, used to say that “an ethicist is someone who has a problem with whatever you have in your mind.” (In recently unsealed court filings, victim Virginia Roberts Giuffre testified that Epstein directed her to have sex with Minsky.) Why, then, did AI researchers suddenly start talking about ethics?



Anonymous ID: 62a383 Dec. 21, 2019, 8:53 p.m. No.7586681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6708 >>6744

>>7586206 8bit despite his famefagging early on was a based BO who did the job needed.




Unsauced chit chat is not notable


cemex was dug already FFS round in circles we go


We are the news now according to Q yet no news in his notes!