Anonymous ID: 2bd106 Dec. 21, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.7587691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7865 >>7916 >>8374

President Trump Says He has ‘Great Respect’ Toward Tulsi Gabbard for Not Voting to Impeach: ‘She Knew it was Wrong’


'She knew it was wrong': Trump offers 'respect' toward Tulsi Gabbard for not voting to impeach


President Trump defended Rep. Tulsi Gabbard against claims she works for Russia and said that he respects the Hawaii Democrat for not voting to impeach him.


During a Sunday speech before a raucous crowd at a Turning Point USA event, Trump mocked former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's accusation that both Green Party candidate Jill Stein and 2020 presidential candidate Gabbard are Russian assets meant to ensure his reelection.


Pausing to give Gabbard credit for voting "present" during last week's impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Trump said, "I give her respect. She didn't vote the other day. I give her a lot of respect because she knew it was wrong."


"I don't know her, but I know one thing," Trump continued. "She is not an agent of Russia."


Though she favored a censure of the president, Gabbard took flak from members of her own party because she abstained to vote in favor of impeachment.


"Throughout my life, whether through serving in the military or in Congress, I’ve always worked to do what is in the best interests of our country," Gabbard wrote in a lengthy statement. "Not what’s best for me politically or what’s best for my political party. I have always put our country first. One may not always agree with my decision, but everyone should know that I will always do what I believe to be right for the country that I love."


"After doing my due diligence in reviewing the 658-page impeachment report, I came to the conclusion that I could not in good conscience vote either yes or no," she continued. "I am standing in the center and have decided to vote 'present.'"


Of those who voted to impeach the president, all were Democrats, save for one independent. Two Democrats voted against the two articles of impeachment that allege Trump abused his power and obstructed Congress.

Anonymous ID: 2bd106 Dec. 22, 2019, 12:09 a.m. No.7587724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7916 >>8374

Peter Schweizer: ‘The Left Is Churning Through Our Institutions, Traditions, and Constitutional Processes’ to Get Trump


Democrats and the broader left corrupt American tradition and institutions in their ongoing political campaign against President Donald Trump, said Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior contributor at Breitbart News, in an interview on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.


Marlow noted the centrality of Schweizer’s research in the latter’s latest book, Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, to the Democrats’ ongoing push for the impeachment of Trump.


“The entirety of the impeachment started with you and your research into … something that Joe Biden did wrong,” noted Marlow.


Marlow remarked, “The president inquiring about your research into his son and obvious corrupt business deals that he had around the world really was what ended up getting him impeached, amazingly, even though [Donald Trump] asked about an investigation that was only dropped because Joe Biden strong-armed the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor. It’s all so unbelievable.”


Schweizer replied, “It’s rather stunning, and … it’s an example of what is a Joe Biden scandal being shifted into a Donald Trump scandal. That’s what the media is trying to do here, and that’s what the Democrats are trying to do here.”


Schweizer described Trump’s request of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate possible corruption on the part of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in relation to Ukrainian energy company Burisma as legitimate.


“I don’t think there’s anything wrong or inappropriate at all in Donald Trump talking to President Zelensky of Ukraine about this issue, and the reason is very clear,” Schweizer said, “The corruption that took place involving the Biden family in Ukraine and China did not occur when Joe Biden was a private citizen. It occurred while he was vice president of the United States, so this is not a vendetta or a witch hunt [with Donald Trump] going after some political opponent just on some random issue. This is related to [Joe Biden’s] tenure as vice president of the United States.


Schwezer continued, “As far as I’m concerned, not only is there [nothing] wrong with Donald Trump doing this, it was highly appropriate for him to ask these questions, and the question simply was, ‘Would you look into this? Would you cooperate with my attorney general and look into this?’ [Donald Trump] didn’t say, ‘Dig up dirt,’ he didn’t say, ‘Make things up.’ He didn’t say any of those things.”


Schweizer added, “To me, it’s sort of a bizarre case of where what is a Joe Biden scandal is being turned by the media — or at least certain elements of the media — and Democrats, they’re trying to morph it into a Donald Trump scandal, and it’s not, as far as I’m concerned.”


Democrats are corrupting the process of impeachment of a sitting president, determined Schweizer.


“[Impeachment of a president] is another American institution that is in turmoil because of the dislike of Donald Trump,” estimated Schweizer. “You have presidents come and go, people disagree with them, they disagree with their policies, but what’s happening is the left is churning through our institutions, our traditions, our constitutional processes at a rapid rate in their desire to get this guy. Look at the body count of institutions and practices now that have been distorted and have been corroded because of this.”


Schweizer listed the FBI as among those institutions corrupted by Democrats and leftists across their political campaign against Trump.


Schweizer stated, “The FBI is an institution, I think, [that] a lot of us looked to for a very long time — not a perfect institution, by any means, you go back and you look at the years of J. Edgar Hoover, some of the things they did — but, by and large, an institution people had a lot of trust in. You look at what came out in [Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s] report. You look at the statement made by the FISA court.”


The “same kinds of corrosive [and] destructive] effects” seen within the FBI will be identified across intelligence agencies, speculated Schweizer, “in pursuit of Trump.”


Schweizer added, “There was this rush to say, ‘We’re finally going to get this guy.’ Very similar to what happened with the FBI, and I think what’s going to be apparent in the intelligence institutions. ‘We’re going to run roughshod over hundreds of years of American political tradition. We’re going to sort of shred the intention of the Founders to get this guy.'”


Audio clip in link

Anonymous ID: 2bd106 Dec. 22, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.7587737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7741

Transgender clinics prey on Autistic children because they’re easy to manipulate, disturbing new research finds


Only a very small handful of media outlets – and none that are considered “mainstream” – are addressing the fact that children on the autism spectrum are being disproportionately targeted by the transgender lobby for “transition therapy” because of their abnormal mental states.


A group of experts who used to work in the field recently came forward with a stark warning to the public about how autistic children have basically become the LGBTQ mafia’s prey of choice because of how easily these little ones buy into transgender propaganda.


As many as one in four transgenders, believe it or not, now registers on the autism spectrum. According to a paper published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, this figure is “higher than the general population,” and the reason is because autistic children are more easily swayed to “go trans” when pressured by adults to do so.


A study out of the United States involving nearly 300,000 child participants also found that those diagnosed on the autism spectrum are more than four times likelier than their non-autistic counterparts to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria. This suggests that autistic children are the “target market,” so to speak, for transgender drugging and surgery.


“We fear that we have had front-row seats to a medical scandal,” this group of former psychologists from the United Kingdom’s National Health Service’s (NHS) flagship Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) reportedly told Sky News, adding that today’s young people are “being over-diagnosed and then over-medicalised.”


Gender reclassification, aka transgender “reassignment,” is CHILD ABUSE


At the GIDS clinic in London, also known as the Tavistock Clinic, some 35 percent of the children and teenagers that were referred there between 2011 and 2017 had “moderate to severe autistic traits,” again suggesting that autistic individuals are being specifically targeted by the transgender lobby to take up the LGBTQ cause by destroying their bodies with surgery and gender-bending pharmaceuticals.


It’s the same thing that’s happening to children with Down syndrome, which are being systematically exploited by the LGBTQ mafia as ripe candidates for transitioning into “other” genders.


According to a study recently published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, a shocking 80 percent of so-called “gender minority” students – meaning kids who’ve tried to change their genders with drugs and surgery – suffer from mental problems as a result, which is about twice the rate of occurrence in normal students.


All of this and more is why the American College of Pediatricians issued a statement condemning transition “therapy” in children. According to the group, teaching children to become transgenders is a form of child abuse – and we would also argue that it’s a form of sexual assault.


“The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex,” reads a 2017 statement issued by the ACP, condemning so-called “gender reclassification” in children.


“Facts – not ideology – determine reality,” this statement further declares.


This ACP statement outlines eight specific arguments against gender reclassification, including the non-negotiable fact that humans come in only one of two “flavors,” male or female. And this is unquestionably dictated by a person’s DNA and genetics which, to believe otherwise, the statement goes on to contend, is “at best, a sign of confused thinking.”


“When an otherwise healthy biological boy believes he is a girl, or an otherwise healthy biological girl believes she is a boy, an objective psychological problem exists that lies in the mind not the body, and it should be treated as such,” the paper clearly delineates.

Anonymous ID: 2bd106 Dec. 22, 2019, 12:30 a.m. No.7587772   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Posted lb but another anon but not notabled. Reposting now for eyes on.


>>7587440 (lb)


Breaking News Kasich campaign response to FEC, the campaign spent 100s of 1000s of dollars on food, the reason stated by the campaign, John Kasich has a tape worm! Parody


FEC Launches Investigation Into John Kasich’s 2016 Presidential Campaign


The Federal Election Commission has started an investigation into members of former Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s 2016 presidential campaign for travel-related expense issues, according to a few individuals familiar with the matter.


The inquiry is largely focused on one of Kasich’s political consultants named Doug Preisse, and whether Preisse or his firm, Van Meter, Ashbrook and Associates, covered certain expenses the campaign should have been responsible for paying.


According to the sources, in a report from Politico:


The FEC is asking former Kasich campaign staffers for information on trips they took on behalf of Kasich, the campaign and New Day for America, the super PAC that supported Kasich, as well as meetings and other events that they planned or took part in during the 2016 Republican presidential primaries. The FEC is also asking how those trips were funded and whether the staffers were paid for their services or reimbursed for travel expenses.


According to Politico, Preisse declined to comment on the matter, saying in a text message, “Ha. Nope.” His consulting firm also did nto give any immediate response.


Jim Lynch, a Kasich spokesman, stated in a text message that “there are no new allegations from what was covered by the media in 2015. What you are describing is not accurate — at all!”

Anonymous ID: 2bd106 Dec. 22, 2019, 12:41 a.m. No.7587801   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7875 >>7916 >>7922 >>8374

=DHS Watchdog Probe Finds ‘No Misconduct’ in Death of 2 Migrant Children Who Died Last Year==


The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) internal watchdog found no wrongdoing by immigration officials in the death of two migrant children who died last year.


The two children died last December in Border Patrol (CBP) custody after they made the dangerous trek through Mexico to cross into the United States illegally. Jakelin Maquin died on Dec. 8 of sepsis caused by a bacterial infection at age 7, while Felipe Gómez Alonzo died on Dec. 24 at age 8 also from sepsis caused by a bacteria. The department launched investigations following their deaths.


In both cases, the watchdog stated that “the investigation found no misconduct or malfeasance by DHS personnel.”


The children’s death came at a time when the United States faced an unprecedented influx of illegal immigration at the southern border that had overwhelmed border facilities, resources, and the immigration system. There were 977,509 apprehensions or people deemed inadmissible along the Southwest Border in the 2019 fiscal year, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.


“We are still saddened by the tragic loss of these young lives, and we continue to bolster medical screenings and care at DHS facilities on the border,” a spokeswoman for Homeland Security told the Associated Press. “The men and women of Border Patrol are committed to the highest standards of professionalism and care.”


Both children were traveling with a parent at the time of their deaths. Maquin was apprehended with her father at Antelope Wells, New Mexico, on Dec. 6, 2018. The initial screening revealed no evidence of health issues, the department said at the time. During a 90-mile bus trip to another CBP facility, the child became sick with a fever and vomiting. She also started having seizures.


Upon arrival at the facility, the child was treated by medical staff then flown to a hospital where she was pronounced dead the next day.


Meanwhile, the other child Alonzo was apprehended with his father near El Paso, Texas, and transported to a CBP checkpoint at Alamogordo, New Mexico, to await family placement. The child started exhibiting signs of illness on Dec. 23 and transported to the nearest hospital for evaluation and treatment.


He was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection, prescribed medicine, and discharged. The child’s condition improved briefly then spiraled downward. He was then transported to the hospital where he became unresponsive and was pronounced dead.


The number of border crossings into the United States from Mexico has declined in recent months due to a number of Trump administration policies such as the expansion of the Migrant Protection Protocols. This week, the Trump administration announced another push to control the number of asylum applications by expanding the number of crimes that would disqualify an immigrant from seeking asylum in a proposed rule.


The proposal, announced by the Department of Justice and the DHS on Wednesday, aims to help them “devote more resources to the adjudication of asylum cases filed by non-criminal aliens.” It also appears to be the administration’s attempt to address the backlog of active cases that are currently being processed in the system.


The proposed rule adds an extra seven categories of crimes that would make immigrants ineligible from receiving protection in the United States. Some of the crimes include a felony under federal or state law, alien smuggling, illegal re-entry, and other misdemeanors. The proposal will still need to go through a public commenting period—which will end on Jan. 21 next year—before it can be implemented.