Anonymous ID: 7aba8c Dec. 22, 2019, 3:50 a.m. No.7588110   🗄️.is 🔗kun






So, people are designed. Clearly. Why do we know? Have you taken a good look at yourself? Go find a mirror, hurry! LOOK See that? YOU ARE NOT THAT.


So, what am I/U looking at?


If you can answer that with at least 99% truth, we're gone.


Outta here, and into there. Didn't move, laterally. Instead BUZZING. LIKE A VIBRATOR!


This isn't a 60hz thing… this 8888hz RUG OF WAVES racing like a conveyor is not anything someone can prepare for, and who knows what else.


When we say all, does JQ know were taking FinkelFren with us?


Yeah, he's a pain in the fucking ass, but do you see anyone else here with that amount of consistent dedication? Q that's it.


At this point Finks, you're one of us, you just don't get it yet.


Proceed to slay me… I'm ready.

Anonymous ID: 7aba8c Dec. 22, 2019, 4:13 a.m. No.7588186   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Who wants some tasty what the fuck are you talking about?


Hi FemAnons, its GoodGuyAnon,


You forgot I existed, didn't you?


Some of us, don't deny our own impulses, but appreciate them in ways, that if you weren't denied the knowledge of the sheer power of our very nature… you'd know that there is more to our lusty thoughts, and bewbsandbutts.


This power, is being taken from us, to KEEP THEM ALIVE.


We could use it in ways that they were intended to be used for, creation.


What if that's why those ASSHOLES with all that money see you as a dumpster, but WE see you as a partner in manifesting our interdimensional jailbreak, while intertwining in a higher density, but down here, were just back to back, feeling the pulse of God, tap the nerves in our spirit antennae.


We've been missing out on each other for so long… and that's how they want to keep it!


Can we start over?


We can't do this without you.