Anonymous ID: ec8275 Dec. 22, 2019, 12:18 a.m. No.7587747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7786 >>8262



NSA Director Rogers Disclosed FISA Abuse Days After Page Warrant Was Issued.


On March 9, 2016, Department of Justice (DOJ) oversight personnel learned that the FBI had been employing outside contractors who had access to raw Section 702 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) data, and retained that access after their work for the FBI was completed.


So…Who at the FISC was informed of this fact…within days…or did the DOJ spike the report and the first time the FISC heard about it was:


Dec. 17, 2019 at 2:17 p.m. MST


The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Tuesday ordered the government to explain what the FBI will do to ensure the bureau does not mislead judges again when applying for surveillance orders like those used in the 2016 investigation of the Trump campaign.


“The FBI’s handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the [inspector general’s] report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor” expected of filings under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).


Collyer is the same judge who signed the first surveillance application for Page sought by the FBI in October 2016. Since the court was established in 1978, civil libertarians have frequently criticized its structure as ripe for abuse by government officials.


Is it believable that the Judge who gave out the Dec. Q, 2019 "order" and who was the Judge presiding over the initial scam…didn't know in March 2016 and throughout all subsequent scam FISA warrants that there was fuckery afoot? And if she truly didn't know and the DOJ hid that information - somehow - from the FISC, then I would think that every single FISA warrant put forth by the fb_ (seems there truly isn't any intelligence, there,) since the day the Admiral Rogers made his disclosure, should be immediately null and void and all discoveries, charges, imprisoning, fines should also be considered null and void. All fb_ investigations into anyone since March 9, 2016 for which they used the FISC are illegal and must cease, again, immediately.


No waiting for further reports and more chances for the fb_ to obfuscate their incompetence and criminality. As they old saying goes: If you get caught…you aren't very good.


But to continue:


On April 18, 2016, Rogers moved aggressively in response to the disclosures. He abruptly shut down all FBI outside-contractor access. At this point, both the FBI and the DOJ’s National Security Division (NSD) became aware of Rogers’s compliance review. They may have known earlier, but they were certainly aware after outside-contractor access was halted.


So a month after his disclosure Adm. Rogers takes charge. Now if the fb_ knew and the DOJ knew…is it believable that the FISC did not? Seems like a pretty major event within the intelligence community, surely someone said something…or is the FISC really as insulated and out-of-touch like that? Seems like if it was that insulated then what the fb_ and the c_a did is even more troubling as they knew immediately their first attempt at their little coup that they had been caught but just blithely continued lying to the FISC as well to 300+ million American citizens.


Looking forward to some rich demonrats who are now discovering that they have been lied to and conned for many years and who have actually missed the last 3 years of the amazing growth in America in all areas of life for hundreds of millions of Americans, men, women and children, companies, organizations, even "real" universities where "basket weaving" and "navel gazing" are not part of the curriculum…but the cult-following demonrats have missed out, BIGLY, and perhaps a lawfag can tell us if there could possibly be maybe a Class Action Lawsuit that could be levied against the DNC and the demonrat party socialist/soros puppet politicans by the citizens of America who identify as demonrat for attempting to destroy their lives and the lives of their families for at least the last 3 years?









Anonymous ID: ec8275 Dec. 22, 2019, 3:13 a.m. No.7588004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8006


Good thing is…President Trump hasn't been impeached, regardless what the globalist propaganda media meat puppets and the demonrats are spewing.


The House does not impeach…the House investigates and charges. It isn't just that puhlousy is scarred shitless to let her little schifty and no-nads circle jerk actually go to the adults, until the Senate has a trial with the Chief Justice present and convicts President Trump of 1 or both of the fever dreams of the demonrats President Trump remains un-impeached. It isn't even impeachment-lite it's nothing, but a good argument between puhlousy and the Senate allows the Supreme Court to take over the entire charade as they are required to intervene if the two chambers are at an impasse.


President Trump will still be President next year and 5 years after that and…

Anonymous ID: ec8275 Dec. 22, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.7588013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8417

Watching the deterioration of puhlousy it is easy to tell she is really in a panic over being forced to be the poster boy for the globalist's last shot at stopping what cannot be stopped. Since she came out in front of this piece of crap news, hidden for many years, about her son and his corruption in both America and Ukraine; her brother-in-law has now been exposed, soon everyone related to puhlousy will be exposed as will puhlousy; her corruption will also be exposed and she knows she was forced to put a target on her back by soros and his owners the rothschilds so it truly is going to be good-bye nancy by the next election if not before.