Anonymous ID: 75c1f7 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7589044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


POTUS will nominate a woman. The dems are gonna' dem and trash her. Normies aren't going to take kindly to a woman getting the Kav treatment, especially right before the election. Soccer mom vote goes to DJT in that scenario.


So dems have to fling shit with an timed impeachment that everyone will have figured out is a political trick. Dems are at the point of deciding to use a slapstick political move or smearing a woman.


The impeachment blows up the dem primary candidates, too. Not only does it take them away from the campaign if a trial comes, it gives DJT free campaign spots because it's sucking up all the news coverage. Who gives a shit what the dem candidates say at this point, the only person any one is interested in hearing is POTUS. Imagine a POTUS testimony at an impeachment trial. World Cup level TV audience and the MSM won't be able to fool people about what hat he said because DJT will make the delivery perfect. DJT's wheelhouse, selling the real narrative.