Anonymous ID: b3081d Dec. 22, 2019, 6:50 a.m. No.7588713   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>I can totally see him jumping in and coming up with a monster on his fist.

Have him learn the noodlin' game with Hannah. I could listen to her all day. Not too hard to look at either!

Anonymous ID: b3081d Dec. 22, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.7588735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8858


>MOAR Than U Know..

Cue pics of operators in NBC gear exfiltrating with their "package". I doubt we'll ever live long enough to hear what half this sort of thing really was.

Anonymous ID: b3081d Dec. 22, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.7589010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>You’re headed in the right direction! You’ll soon see what this is REALLY all about if you continue to find the connections. As stated this is bigger than you know. They don’t want this out.


>networking systems.

>we may assume it is in use.

Copy that. Virtually everyone in the developed world has a smart phone.

The smart phone:

Sends your location to the "network" in real time.

Analyzes your voice and relates your emotional state to the "network" in real time.

"Network sells this information to marketers, scammers, criminals, government, banks, LE etc.

Marketers monitor your observations of advertising, business's, traffic behaviour etc with hidden cameras and facial recognition.

Marketers change content as you walk, drive, or scroll to customize your "reality".

Your customized "reality" is manipulated to maximize "their" profits, control your emotions, guide your decisions, influence your worldview, keep you docile and profitable as a good consumer should be.


Government monitors much the same parameters as the marketers, but with vastly different goals, not all benign.

Government observes your emotional state and actual conversations and communications to assay your potential as a dissident, activist, influencer, criminal or psychotic.

Governments will also change the content of your experience of "reality" particularly where you interface with them such as driving on public roads. Traffic reports can influence your travel routes, police cars can make you apprehensive, traffic stops can intimidate you.

Traffic reports can also direct you in order to pass by the marketers billboards, signs, and storefronts with their hidden cameras to assess your response to their wares and constantly use AI to refine their approach to maximize their control/influence over you.


My takeaways are that cellphones, tablets, laptops, GPS, electronic media, social networking, On Star, even conversations (monitored) in public and on street corners leave us vulnerable to a reality curated by persons, business's and government who do not necessarily have your best interests in mind.

If you live in the city, you are living the "Truman Show". Might the "Great Awakening" be the last scene of the show, and the first scene of a new, uncurated, reality? >>7588812