Anonymous ID: bfb6ac Dec. 22, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.7588683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What's the Hold up?

Why is funding still making it's way at this point to the corrupt?

Why are hits still happening and people missing?(Misfud and 2 witnesses in Ukraine today)

Why are the guilty, no longer in Govt, still able to build PR support?(Shouldn't be a fallout if they went missing)

Why havent they "Fled the country?" (Those no longer in power shouldn't be needed if we have it all)

Why are we hesitating? Fear (be honest)?

Why have we not gained the Media control and started pushing truth?

Do we not have enough surveillance to see who messes up once others are exposed?

Why are we still using Politics, Buerocracy, and propaganda?

Do we not have everything?

What's the outcome if we arent willing to do what's absolutely necessary to control the situation?


This is really, at face value, starting to only seem like a wrap up smear. We have people at the top on the good side charged but none at the top on the corrupt side.


It's time. Enough is enough. Majority of people know this is bullshit and they should be arrested. ALL OF THEM SAY "NOTHING WILL HAPPEN" IN THAT ASPECT.


It's time for the first bolt of lightning from this storm to hit.