Anonymous ID: c418bc Dec. 22, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.7588939   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8950 >>8952 >>8977 >>8979 >>9001 >>9025

We've got 3 middle school aged nephews at the house this morning, part of a Christmas sleep over tradition. I had Baritromo on this morning when they all sat down for some pancakes. One of the nephews said "Trump is being impeached! YAY" My youngest said, "You don't like POTUS? Why not?" Nephew says, "Oh - I don't know anything about politics" Neither do his parents. Any political talk always devolves (for them) into an emotional meltdown. I keep telling my kids you need to pay attention to what is going on RIGHT NOW. This is something YOUR kids will learn about in school. You will tell your kids how we used to talk about this. You will be able to explain exactly what happened because you were paying attention.

TLDR: Teach your kids apathy and they will learn that. Teach them how to be informed and they will learn that. Keeping our country isn't up to some lying sacks of shit on the hill, it's up to (you).

Anonymous ID: c418bc Dec. 22, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.7589006   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dub confirm national indoctrination centers.

Agree somewhat, but not all parent are able to homeschool. Spouseanon is a teacher and at the grade she teaches, most parents believe that ALL education is within the purview of the teacher. If their kid can't read it must be the teachers fault. Wrong. Help your kids learn to read if they can't. Parents are a large part of a kids education whether they are homeschooled or not.