Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 6:14 a.m. No.7588565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8570 >>8573 >>8664



Snapshot this before it’s taken down.


There’s a reason why these boards are used. Not for the greater good. Do you know who you are following? Have they been vetted? Understand that this is much much bigger than you know. Time is of the essence. We are trying to expose the truth without endangering ourselves and families. Our oath to protect this country brought us here. You need to know that you are being mislead. They want you distracted. They want you so preoccupied with this. Think! Have all the Anons here here been vetted? You are all being corralled to go in a certain direction for a reason.


They want you to believe that whistleblowers are bad (ES, CM, JA, etc.). Think! These whistleblowers were trying to warm the public. They wanted to expose them. They wanted to tell you of the big event. Many more have tried and failed. We are trying open your eyes to what is really going on. Right and Left are one in the same. The struggle for position to lead is what is taking place. Think families. Why are things playing out as they are? Scripted. The new 9.11 “story and you are the FF. Think!


AI, 5G, GMO, DNA, Crypto, CERN, Quantum Comp, new Energy, Big Data…


All connected. Our country is so much further ahead than you know. Planned long ago. (Tech). They will try to deceive you. Fight.


Qatar, India, Iraq. (Au)

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.7588643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8700 >>8723 >>8768

There’s a reason why Epstein was removed. His case would’ve exposed everyone, including Potus. Think! Even bigger, their plan would’ve been exposed. Some details leaked - search it out to connect. They are “the thousand points of light.” Their God isn’t your GOD!


Patriot act enacted, fisa misuse, secret intel agencies removed, new protocols in place, power removed, no honest eyes on truth, approval reached, restructure, Fed out, new control in place, bigger things soon come. Not for the greater good.


You are being deceived. All you need to do is look closer. What is happening while you are being distracted? What things are taking place AROUND you?


Despite what you are told or think. We love this country and we want to stop their control. Our future is at risk

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.7588738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8755


You are half way there. You need to find the connections to understand the complexity and what is really what. Not far off. They are “summoning” the lightbringer. History has more to give you if you look back (Egypt)

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.7588766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9010


You’re headed in the right direction! You’ll soon see what this is REALLY all about if you continue to find the connections. As stated this is bigger than you know. They don’t want this out. Why are you being mislead?

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:09 a.m. No.7588787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How many chromosomes do humans have? Why was man created in the image of GOD? What did world leaders learn about DNA?


Do you really think those involved on the left aren’t in on what’s really going on? Scripted for a much bigger reason. As things unfold it will make more sense as long as you don’t allow yourself to get distracted

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:19 a.m. No.7588845   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I’m sorry you feel this way. Far from our intent. We are trying to bring attention to what is really happening. 1 Thessalonians 5:2-4. World leaders conspiring for worse. If you continue to be distracted to what is really going then we don’t stand a chance. I can assure you that our intent is good. Many of us have first hand knowledge of what’s happening. Can’t say too much. We were given specific orders to perform that many do not agree with. This is why we are putting this out there. I can tell you that a big part of this is about control and that what you are witnessing has been planned for a very very long time. Nothing is as it seems. God bless us all!

Anonymous ID: eebb37 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7588922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8936



Preparations take time, but time is almost up. Their goal is control. I can’t be too specific without endangering us or our families. It’s in the public view if you look hard enough and the connections won’t be difficult to see. We’ve posted enough information to make the connections. We are extremely fearful of saying more. I’m sorry. Many have been trying to make you aware of what’s really taking place now but few will tell you of what the end goal is (for a reason).