Anonymous ID: f63895 Dec. 22, 2019, 6:47 a.m. No.7588699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8748 >>8794 >>9150


Right now Pelosi is waiting for RBG to pass as I think RBG is on her death bed right now.


The strategy…………..when RBG passes Pelosi will then, send the Articles of Impeachment over to the senate in a Hail Mary effort to tie the senate up with a trial and prevent POTUS from nominating and the senate conferring, another SC justice.


Of course, the marxist reds will call FOUL and descend into abject hysteria when POTUS does nominate another justice and McConnell does take it up in the senate and the nominee is confirmed.


The Reds will whine that the senate cannot and must not take up the confirmation because of the dire and pressing need to move the senate trial forward as quickly as possible. This……………….after they come back from their 3 week break!!!! Yes, it is a pressing issue.


They will make a Herculean effort to prevent POTUS from seating another originalist on the bench. They will whine, scream, cry and bellow that because POTUS has been "impeached" that he cannot, under any circumstances, nominate a SC justice to replace RBG because his "fate" is unclear and, this being the last year of POTUS's term it would be improper and UNFAIR to nominate a SC replacement with the 2020 election approaching. These two things must not coincide as the trial is WAAAAAY more pressing and important.


Congress has passed a plethora of legislation for the POTUS to sign. POTUS can sign legislation into law being impeached but cannot nominate a succeeding SC Justice? The dire need to start the senate trial must happen quickly but you fucking cons took your 3 week vacation?


Kek, no………………….. Patriots Are Now In Control. The P-A-I-N will start shortly.

Anonymous ID: f63895 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:03 a.m. No.7588764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8795


You fucking inbred idiot. Perhaps you yourself, would be more at home in the MotherLand. Cuba, Red China. Venezuela I hear is nice this time of year.


Spirit of Communism uh? Go fuck thyself.

Anonymous ID: f63895 Dec. 22, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.7588994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9022


Disturbing voting record as far as I am concerned. 80/20 on this guy. Voted to condemn POTUS on racist tweets? Voted to override POTUS withdrawing US from the Paris Climate Accords? And many other questionable votes. Not sold.


Wants to bring people together? Sounds like a fucking RINO to me. The one thing, the one over arching thing that every right minded person in this country needs to realize and come to grips with is that the progressive movement has declared WAR on the United States of America. Our social fabric, our capitalistic system, our law enforcement, military and the list goes on and on and on. If one cannot see that? Then that person is intellectually vapid and ignorant.


The left is not interested in bringing people together. It is diametrically opposite of their overall agenda. They are not interested in compromise. And neither should we. How do you compromise with a movement that seeks nothing less than the abject destruction of our beloved nation? Where does one compromise with that? Is the compromise to destroy the country just by half? Rest to come later?


Someone who still believes that this is a option for this country is not seeing the forest for the trees and imo, should not be trusted. We already have enough Mitt Romneys.