>o the horror
Not when it’s staring you in the face
“Those who know can not sleep”
Johnheretohelp: God freq from deep space?
Don’t know what to make of this guy, yet. Some of his drops RE Judge Sullivan being bought out and ISIS and MB operating in the US under BO check out, but the Schiff Drag Bourdain drop seems to fit almost too perfectly. And then yesterday’s woo woo GOD freq stuff seemed over the top. On the other hand, his handlers may be close to locating him, which made him go woo woo to “pollute his own well” (a common tactic among spooks to stay alive).
While the woo woo stuff may seem hard to fathom, the underlying theme remains prohumanity, Procter will, and proChristian, which is not a usual characteristic of clown Ops.
Also, it occurred to me that we are actually going thru a historic period of low solar activity (little sun spots) which has weakened Earth’s natural “force field” (magnetic field) against cosmic deep space radiation. This is occurring at a time prophesied as a window of time where light will overcome darkness and reveal that which has been hidden (eg Mayan 2012 prophesy, astrologically as Pluto transiting thru Capricorn). So, might we be receiving more divine light during this period? It’s possible.
Bottom line: I trust Q more than Johnheretohelp, but will not dismiss him out of hand, yet.
*Pro-Free Will (damn auto correct)