I remember that feeling, bro. One you've opened your eyes to everything being fake and controlled (everything from politics to pro sports to movies and music to education to…), you can't un-see it. Hang in there, go outside and get some fresh air and sunshine every so often. Get some exercise, like, a good run or bike ride or weight lifting…. get those endorphins flowing. Remind yourself that the world is still good - sunshine and endorphins! - and even though it's upside-down right now, it's better to be awake and informed than asleep and ignorant. You will come out stronger in the end.
Some interesting topics for reading / viewing (use bitchute or 153news for videos; most stuff is banned on youtube):
>The Money Masters by Bill Still
>Vigilant Citizen website (within this site are good links about MKUltra, Operation Mockingbird, mass energy rituals, transhumanism, etc)
>Trance-formation of America by Cathy O'Brien
>Hitler vs. the Jew World Order (also: The Greatest Story Never Told; also: Europa: The Last Battle)
>:War-Castles: and Russell jay Gould's quantum banking; third and final bankruptcy of USA Inc.; admiralty / maritime law; gold fringe on US flag
>Quantum computers / D-Wave Computers
>Tavistock Institute (the rock and roll sociology experiment!)
>False flags (it happened by not the way they said it did) and hoaxes (it didn't even happen at all): 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, Sandy Hook, Pulse Night Club. Related: same crisis actors used for different "tragedies"
>Nephilim, giants
>Antarctica. Just in general. What the hell is going on down there
Have fun anon. It's gonna be ok.