we have oil, coal, natural gas, agriculture….all things that could be added to a commodity basket with gold to create a stable underlying currency based on what we have, and can produce in this country.
we have oil, coal, natural gas, agriculture….all things that could be added to a commodity basket with gold to create a stable underlying currency based on what we have, and can produce in this country.
if this is true, one can see why Q exists. to publicize this plan along with proof without warming people up to the seriousness of what they were planning would cause chaos. democrats would not be able to walk the streets. they would not even be able to hide from armed, enraged mobs looking to hang them from a gambrel and skin them alive like a deer in the woods.
SANTA25 over Kansas City
i'll third that. lost dad to non-hodgkins 10 years ago and he fought it for 10 years before that. when mom was diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer, she wanted no treatment at all after watching what dad went through. she lasted less than 4 months and the woman had never been sick a day in her life and was very active at 80. i want to take those who've been withholding cures and skin them alive….literally…slowly….
i pointed this out last night. buckwheat dressed as a corncob, tore up the rules for PC regarding black/white jokes but went easy on the queers…easy for eddie, that is..but he still hit them.
folks need to understand something…you don't have to destroy your enemy to defeat them…you just have to take control of their capabilities.
SNL is a YUGE tool for the left. it can be a YUGE tool for Trumpians too.
Remember…prior to 2015, Trump was widely loved by all groups and could've called Lorne Michaels anytime he wanted to do a cameo on SNL…and DID at times.