You are on the right track, but those that you consider “white hats,” aren’t. Not all of them. Many are following orders and fearful. World “leaders” plot and not for good. For those of you that are seeking the truth, you only need to look at events around you and stop getting distracted. Time is running out. We are trying to raise awareness of what’s really going on. You are being mislead. As some of us have already guessed, the tech we have IS far more advanced then they lead on, (man made) but not to the point that they want it; not yet. That time is close though. This linked post details a big part of this. Read his post! Understand that those you think are good aren’t (not all). Their goal is to control.
We are running out of time. If you want to save your love ones and yourselves from what’s to come, than it’s time to take action.