>While the shammash (shamash? see both sp) was being lit
Shamash is "sun".
It gets confusing at times because our old sun was Saturn. This is all about the journey our planet (and ancestors) made from one star (Saturn) to the next (sun).
>While the shammash (shamash? see both sp) was being lit
Shamash is "sun".
It gets confusing at times because our old sun was Saturn. This is all about the journey our planet (and ancestors) made from one star (Saturn) to the next (sun).
>The FIRST Word of God.
"God" never talked.
Anyone who says otherwise is either drunk or a con-artist. I'll let you figure out the rest
>our current Sun artificial
Huh? No. That's not how this works.
Our current sun is a star. There are billions in our galaxy, alone. They exist. Nobody puts them there. But sometimes one bumps into the other's territory. It's bound to happen.
The "order" we see in the Universe is not the result of a "Supreme Being". It's the result of the Electromagnetic Force. That's what's responsible for giving you "Life".
So.., he's a con-artist.
I said I'd let you figure out the rest.
BTW, Big Bang never happened.
That too, was a con to get gullible people to think that "science" had everything figured out