Anonymous ID: ba5444 Dec. 22, 2019, 4:24 p.m. No.7593211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3261 >>3556


Muh gut says we're heading into a Major Constitutional Crisis.

Not sure exactly how it will manifest.

Some Supreme Court judges will be gone and senate unable to confirm replacements.

Civilian court system non-functioning.

Some kind of monkeywrench in the system where all the provisions in the Contitution cannot solve the crisis.

A dispute between branches of government that cannot be settled through normal means by the courts because the dispute involves the advise & consent authority of the senate, or involves the Supreme Court itself (FISA abuse, FISC under the supervision of Chief Justice Roberts)…


At that point legal precedent says Military Tribunals can be held for offenses against the our civilian laws, if the civilian court system is not functional.

Q clued us in as to this possibility near the very beginning.