No I dont expect them to do anything because I'm losing faith it's just my standpoint.
Lurk? I've been here, vocal, and waking people up for over 2 years.
I've even been told by superiors I'm not allowed to because of being DOD employee. I asked them if my point is in support of the constitution and upholding my oath then they have no grounds to "write me up".
I know how Govt superiors run on Fear of reprisal and im sick of it. Most fail to act and then apologize later. Too little too late.
I also have the right to be extremely angry at this entire situation. 20yr Career for criminals that I wouldnt be walking or posting now if I had done what they have. I'm calling BS on the direct "NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW ANYMORE". while they are still free.
I think for myself.