Anonymous ID: d9cdb5 Dec. 23, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.7597475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So glad the rise of Patriotism in America is resulting in information like that contained within this Brighteon video from Pete Santilli.


This will never be shown on the globalist propaganda media and yet this truth has been around since the evil that spawned it, did so.


I first saw many of the videos and articles from which Pete Santilli pulled a lot of his info, back in 2013-2014, then it just went away. Since it wasn't on any of the globalist propaganda media outlets nor written for their meat puppets to vomit, it faded from site. Still a couple things I learned back then that weren't mentioned…but damn!!!…So much more sauce that had only been hinted at before as to exactly who in America was fully involved in the murders of over 100 innocent Ukrainian people - on purpose and with planning - using mercenaries, the full involvement by the demonrats, the obomber administration…with pics of the demonrat scum with the nazi scum they partnered with to destroy Ukraine.


Really, if you are interested in the truth of what went on and IS STILL going on in Ukraine, this video is for you. If you have any relatives vacillating over taking that first step into the Light…show them this video over the Christmas holidays, but be gentle with them, this kind of in-your-face truth is powerful.


Not just regarding the 2013 start of the theft from Ukraine by the demonrats and the disgusting globalist scum making up the [DS] but clarifying what is in the news, today.

