I don't understand why "liberal grammar Nazi's" are down with the gender pronoun thing. Gag again
I don't understand why "liberal grammar Nazi's" are down with the gender pronoun thing. Gag again
What does the court of law have to do with this?
The Bible is great because it helps us challenge our assumptions, perspectives, and really look for a higher understanding besides what's in our face and based in either Science illusion or Science Fact.
The images posted in this (thread) can begin the Redpill process.
This Q movement may need threading capabilites (reddit forums/ craigslist forums) … so hard to follow the flow here.
"of the devil" made me think you were saying the power came FROM the devil.
Glad this was cleared up, I'm assuming.
How about the AP Stylebook use "Anti Child Sacrifice To Satan", or some acronymn that furthers the consecration to God.
That is the truth of the ProLife movement? Or is talking about child sacrifice too intentionally buried that people don't want to talk about it with all the overt satanic messaging these days?
Andrew… red tie… door knob… Windsor knot… queen
I have nothing. Lurking for years now. Maybe it's not something I want to know
Should "Karma" be expanded to be "thoughts, vibration, and action"
(not deed because that might just be too Catholic or Mason-y in perception or effective outcome)
A dustmite might be the biological equivalant.
If the reddit forum /birdsarentreal is true, maybe dustmites are actually smartdust
>And you were what, on fucking holiday during the whole kate spade thing?
Mental hospital / recovery. The content on forum back then literally made me go insane / suicidal