Half truths from a half jews
Parkland Movie Group
You are an idiot. The brownshirts functioned just like how our Secret Service protects our President.
The nazis couldn't even hold a rally/speeches without being assaulted by the communists in beer halls/speaking halls.
I already provided a graphic that documents that nearly 2,000 NSDAP members were killed by anti fascist fighting league in 1932.
Plus a graphic showing how the Antifa/Communist infiltrated the NSDAP and were found out. Just like we have RINO traitors in our GOVT serving the left.
You are a liar spreading half truths or you are just really stupid ameriaburger.
My sauce is "Communism in Germany". I would tell you to read it but you haven't even read Mein Kampf. You are an expert yet have never even read the book of the supposed "MOST EVIL MAN IN HISTORY".
You cucks/jews are embarrasingly stupid.