Anonymous ID: 737766 Dec. 23, 2019, 7:55 a.m. No.7598975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8994

>>7598066 Anon: Twas 3 days before Christmas and all though the house (Notable)

I love your poem and toke some time (and liberty) to add a little more to it and tweak it for rhythm. I hope you don't mind.


Twas 3 days before Christmas and all though the house

Pelosi was scheming, that Trump should be oust;

The subpoenas were hung by the chimney with care

(Just like Epstein after Clintons were there.)


The Dems were nestled, all snug in their chair

With visions of Bernie and free medicare.

With all of their lying, and Schiff pounding his gavel

They just couldn't get Donald Trump to unravel.


The election is coming that they know they can’t win,

“We’ll impeach him!” said Nancy with a devilish grin.

She succeeded to gain Dem unilateral vote

But she can’t win the Senate and now they can’t gloat!


Come Christmas morning, with your gifts to unwrap

(All delivered by Santa in his red MAGA cap!)

One stands out in orange, and it’s really quite plump

It’s a boxful of freedom, compliments of Don Trump!


With Trump back in office another four years .

You’d better prepare for more Democrat tears.

And if you dislike my poem, and think it crass

Pucker up and then kiss my American ASS!!!!