Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 4:15 p.m. No.7603798   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Elizabeth Warren Held Winery Fundraiser in 2018 with Perks for Big Donors


Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) held a fundraiser at the City Winery Boston in 2018, which included a souvenir wine bottle and “VIP experiences” for big donors, calling into question her recent critique of Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) and his “wine cave” fundraiser.


The two candidates sparred over Buttigieg’s “wine cave” fundraiser during Thursday’s debate, leading Buttigieg to defend his openness of wealthy contributors.


“So the mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900-a-bottle wine,” she said. “Think about who comes to that.”


Buttigieg reminded Warren of her past, as she attended big fundraisers hosted by wealthy donors as recently as 2018.


That year, she attended a fundraiser at the City Winery Boston, which featured singer Melissa Etheridge. The event doled out souvenir wine bottles for those who donated $1,000. Those who gave $2,700 were “offered VIP experiences,” according to Fox News.


“This was the danger in the @ewarren ‘wine cave’ attack on @PeteButtigieg,” former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod tweeted.


“Her own past fundraising practices were pretty much in line with his, including even some of the same high dollar sponsors,” he added. “She invited stories like this. Unforced error”:


Warren, who has received support from at least 30 billionaires over the course of her political career, defended her winery fundraiser, claiming that she simply “saw how the system works” and had a change of heart when she decided to launch her presidential campaign.


“I decided when I got in the presidential race that I wanted to do better than that,” Warren told reporters over the weekend, according to Slate.


“And that’s why I just quit doing it. I don’t sell access to my time. I don’t call high-dollar fundraisers. I’m out there raising money grassroots all across this country because I want to move this in the right direction,” she said.


“We can’t be a country that just keeps getting worse and worse,” she added.


Nonetheless, Warren has co-hosted a number of the fundraisers she frequently critiques.


As the New York Post reported:


Alix Ritchie, who has donated more than $20,000 to Warren, said she had co-hosted events and attended others.


“Many of the events for her that I went to were on the Cape in the summer,” said Ritchie, formerly the publisher of the Provincetown Banner newspaper. “They would have wine and some kind of finger food. It’s pretty standard. It wasn’t any different from what other people do. She raised money the way every candidate raises money.”


Warren has also attended fundraisers on Manhattan’s Upper East Side and in Greenwich Village and at a mansion in Santa Monica, California.


The events brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars for her Senate campaigns and other Democratic causes.


Famous names sponsored fundraisers for Warren, too. Among them: actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, as well as well-known Democratic donors such as financier George Soros.


In 2012, she attended a New York fundraiser hosted by the same donor, Kevin Ryan, who put on a Buttigieg event this month that drew protesters who support her as well as Sanders.


Nevertheless, Warren now claims she does not “sell access to my time.”


“I don’t do call time with millionaires and billionaires,” she said during the debate.


While Warren touts her presidential campaign as 100 percent grassroots-funded, she transferred over $10 million from her senatorial bid — a time she attended swanky fundraisers and gave facetime to big donors — to cushion her campaign.

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.7603826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3856 >>4037 >>4269 >>4378 >>4454

Hunter Biden Subject of Multiple Criminal Investigations Related to “Fraud, Money Laundering and Counterfeiting Scheme”


According to new court documents filed Monday in Hunter Biden’s Arkansas paternity case, Hunter is linked to multiple criminal probes related to “fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme.”


The court documents did not disclose which law enforcement agencies were behind the criminal probes into Hunter Biden.


A Florida-based private-eye firm, D&A Investigations brought forward the claims on Monday in the ongoing case against Hunter’s baby mama Lunden Roberts.


Hunter had a child with 28-year-old Lunden Roberts after meeting her at a DC strip joint where she worked as a stripper and she is demanding a hefty child support payment!


Ms. Roberts dragged Hunter Biden into a nasty court battle after he has ‘refused to pay child support for over a year’ and refused to pay her $11,000 legal bill.


And now Hunter Biden’s nasty paternity battle with Lunden Roberts is unearthing documents that feckless media sycophants and Republican lawmakers have failed to produce.


Bravo, Lunden Roberts!


The New York Post reported:


Biden, 49, “is the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme,” the filing alleges.


One of the purported investigations relates to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company with which Biden held a lucrative board post while his father, Joe, was vice president — drawing allegations of impropriety from Republicans including President Trump.


Biden and a group of business associates “established bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley … for Burisma Holdings Limited … for the money laundering scheme,” D&A claims, further alleging that the accounts showed an average account value of nearly $6.8 million between March 2014 and December 2015.


Biden and the others — including Devon Archer, John Galanis and Bevan Cooney — allegedly “utilized a counterfeiting scheme to conceal the Morgan Stanley et al Average Account Value,” D&A claims in the papers filed at the Circuit Court of Independence County, Arkansas.


There’s more..


The filing also alleges that Hunter Biden was involved in a plot to rip off Sioux Native Americans for $60 million through the sale of tribal bonds.


The filing additionally alleges that Biden had a hand in a plot including Galanis, Cooney and Archer to rip off Sioux Native Americans to the tune of $60 million through the shady sale of tribal bonds.


Galanis, Archer and Cooney were found guilty for their roles in June 2018, following a lengthy trial in Manhattan federal court.


Biden “did drum up business for the scheme,” D&A claims in its filing, without elaborating.


Roberts is turning the screws on Biden and demanding to know how much Burisma Holdings paid him.


Robert released the last five years of her tax returns and she’s accusing Hunter of refusing to come clean about his dirty Burisma money.


According to the New York Post, it is unclear if Lunden Roberts hired the private-eye firm or if they delivered the damning documents on Hunter Biden to the court on their own volition

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.7603946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3968 >>4037 >>4269 >>4378 >>4454

House Argues in Court Filing Don McGahn Testimony Needed for Impeachment Evidence…


As we suspected, albeit against much criticism, House counsel Doug Letter has responded to the DC Appeals Court arguing the forced testimony of White House counsel Don McGahn is needed for evidence in impeachment trial. [Court pdf Avail Here]


This court filing today bolsters the unspoken background motive for delayed House Impeachment Managers. The House Judiciary Committee is using impeachment as support for their ongoing effort to gain: Don McGahn deposition, and Mueller grand jury material (6e). The goal is opposition research; impeachment is a tool to establish legal standing to obtain it. Everything else is chaff and countermeasures.


HJC Argument - McGahn Testimony Demand


Notice the DOJ is aware of how the HJC is trying to manipulate the system…

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 4:51 p.m. No.7604120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Making A Fortune: 19 Million Public Employees Across America Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Trillion


For the first time in history, 19 million public employee salaries at every level of government across America have been mapped and posted online.


The work of our auditors at tells a compelling story: Public service is supposed to be about serving the people. However, the good intentions of America’s 19 million public employees come at a very high price for the people – nearly $1 trillion. In many cases, taxpayers generously fund these employee salaries.


Our online database is free to use and includes most employees within the federal, state, and local governments. You can search in your backyard or across the nation. Find out just how much public employees made last year. The salary records include name, salary, position title, and employer for 2017.


The data is full of stunning examples.


Tree trimmers in Chicago lopped off $106,000.


New York City school janitors cleaned off $165,000 while out earning the principals at $135,000.


Lifeguards in Los Angeles County, California, made up to $365,000.


In the small school district in Southlake, Texas (8,000 students), the school superintendent earned $420,000.


Help the reform-minded mayors, school superintendents, legislators and members of Congress by finding the waste, overspending, and bloated government in your very own neighborhood.


Search our interactive map of the top 2 million most highly compensated public employees across America. Just click a pin (your ZIP code) and scroll down to see the results that render in the chart beneath the map. Click here to access the map below.

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 4:56 p.m. No.7604157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269 >>4378 >>4431 >>4454

Both Obama And Biden Under Formal Investigation For Corruption In Ukraine According To Paul Sperry


Paul Sperry, investigative reporter declared that at least three Senate committees are formally looking into Obama-Biden-Ukrainian collusion to blow Donald Trump’s chances to win the 2016 presidential election.

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.7604256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4269 >>4378 >>4454



Government Forces Advancing On Militant Stronghold Of Jarjanaz In Southern Idlib (Map Update)

After the liberation of over 20 villages and towns in southern Idlib, the Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces, spearheaded by the Tiger Forces, have launched a push to liberate the town of Jarjanaz in southern Idlib.

Jarjanaz is one of the key strong points of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and the Turkish-backed National Front for Liberation in the area. If government troops liberate the town, they will open a route to the town of Maarat al-Numan, located on the M5 highway.

By advancing on Maarat al-Numan, the Syrian Army will be able to cut off supply lines of the remaining militants’ positions in the southern part of Idlib province and thus steadily liberate the entire area.


Idlib MIlitants Continue ‘Tactical Retreat’. Army Liberated 4 More Villages

As all mainstream media known from “opposition sources”, there is no real Syrian Army advance in southern Idlib. Moderate al-Qaeda-linked rebels are just conducting a tactical retreat in order to draw “regime forces” into an ambush and deliver a devastating blow to them.

However, it seems that the ‘tactical retreat’ went a bit too far. After liberating over 20 villages during the past few days, on December 23 government forces liberated the villages of Khirbat Marata, Faul, Abu Dafna and Hadithi.


Syria Intercepts Israeli Missiles Fired Along the Coast

Four cruise missiles reported fired from Israeli planes Indications are that the Israeli missiles were fired along the coast from the Lebanese city of Sidon. Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace almost daily, and use it for attacks against neighboring Syria.


ISIS Revives in Homs Desert, Hit Iran Militants and Oil Fields

The Islamic State (ISIS) has attacked the Iraqi Shiite militia Harakat al-Nujaba near an oil-rich area in the Syrian desert. Such a move follows a series of ambushes by ISIS on regime forces and allied militias in the central province of Homs.

Badiya 24, a local news site, said three members of the al-Nujaba militia were killed and six wounded near the T-2 oil field in southeastern Homs on Friday.


After fierce battles, Jirjanaz strategic town is under control of Syrian Arab army

SANA reporter said that the army units, advancing from the east, carried on fierce battles against terrorist organizations positioned in the town to the east of Hama-Ma’arat al-Numan highway and entered the town from many axes.

The reporter added that the battles ended up with establishing control on the town after destroying dens and centers of terrorists and inflicting them heavy losses.


Al-Moallem: US, Turkey, and Israel continue to conspire against Syria to hinder counter-terrorism efforts

Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem said that the United States, Turkey, and the Israeli enemy continue to conspire against Syria to hinder its counter-terrorism efforts, and that Syria is also subjected to methodical plundering of its petroleum by the US. Al-Moallem said that Syria is facing a continued Turkish aggression in the north of the country, in addition to the methodical plundering of its oil by the US, which has also sent drones to attack petroleum facilities in a city of Homs a few days ago, while the Israeli enemy fired rockets at Damascus and its surroundings last night.

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 5:14 p.m. No.7604279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4378 >>4454

Tom Fitton: “If Anybody Goes on Trial in the Senate it Should be Adam Schiff and His Cohorts” (Video)


Judicial Watch founder Tom Fitton joined Gregg Jarrett on Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the latest on the Democrats’ slapdash impeachment.


During the discussion Tom Fitton said President Trump will be held against this president as long as the House is controlled by the coup cabal.


Tom Fitton: The question is, is there going to be any penalty for this wild abuse of power? This coup, which is now being directed at the senate? And if I were the senate, rather than put the president through an abusive trial, I would have some kind of preliminary hearing Gregg, where the prosecutorial misconduct, the abuse of power is at issue before the select committee of the senate and investigates what Schiff did and investigates the other abuses of the coup cabal so that there is a report for the senate and they can decide whether to let this trial even get out of the gate. I don’t think there should be a full blown trial. If anybody goes on trial in the senate it should be Adam Schiff and his cohorts.

Anonymous ID: 190b88 Dec. 23, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.7604371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4454

The Establishment Takes Aim at John Durham’s Reputation and Intergity


One of the standard media games played in Washington is to take a newcomer, whether it is an incoming President or a cabinet official or administrator that his being appointed to reform an agency or clean up a mess. The game goes like this. First the media builds up the newcomer. Partially it is to set a high bar for the next phase of the game and partially to convince the mark that the press is actually with him. Then we go onto “mistakes were made.” Here the media begins to publish a series of unflattering articles about missteps, about key constituencies that have their nose out of joint. There will be stories of ethical issues either in spending or awarding of contracts. Claims will be made that the newcomer’s strategy is nothing more than the old strategy. Complaints will be made about how slow things are moving. And, from there, we’re off to the “feet of clay” phase. In this part of the game the media will turn on the newcomer, they will show his real record was not as good as it was made out to be, that he took credit for things he didn’t do, that he has sold out and compromised himself in his new job and that he really needs to resign.


If you look carefully, this is the game that is being played with John Durham right now.


Shortly after Durham’s appointment was announced to unravel and expose the shenanigans behind the soft coup attempt against President Trump mounted by the FBI, CIA, and a cabal of Justice Department Officials he was lionized in stories like Barr’s pick to investigate the Mueller probe’s origins has a history of penetrating the FBI and Meet John Durham, The Man Tasked With ‘Investigating the Investigators’ and Connecticut prosecutor hailed as tough.


Last week, however, you had the warning delivered that Durham was not going to be up to the job.


Others, like Durham, are being tested by this moment. I’ve been proud to know John for at least a decade, but I was troubled by his unusual statement disputing the inspector general’s findings. Good reputations are hard-won in the legal profession, but they are fragile; anyone in Durham’s shoes would do well to remember that, in dealing with this administration, many reputations have been irrevocably lost.