Anonymous ID: b00a70 Dec. 23, 2019, 6:22 p.m. No.7604931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4946

How does an egalitarian patriot movement function with enemies working from within and without to destroy it??

It functions as the restored republic must, courteously and firmly moving in around and over the shills, plants, dements and masons.


shills can recover. They're only shills because of the bad information, poor moral education and childhood trauma that has been their chief experience of this world. Christanons know this.


QR is a great place to learn for us to learn these lessons and to have our fine sentiments and high hopes tested by the slaves of the slaves of satan.


shills are sad individual , this experience of them is an example of how God brings good from evil.


So think you shills and

merry Christmas

To all,