Anonymous ID: cc6174 Dec. 23, 2019, 6:13 p.m. No.7604823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5104


You know whats hilarious about this, when Biden told Obama he was running for president, Obama told him, “Joe you don’t have to do this.” Joe says “no I gotta, I owe so much to you for your support; or something like that!”


Now he’s brought the real heat down on Obama and that was the thing O didn’t want, Biden himself will destroy Obama’s left over mangled presidency since Trump has been president.


But now that Joe has exposed Obama’s money laundering WW, because the question is, “Why would Obama allow Biden to strong arm Ukraine if Obama wasn’t doing the same thing in that and others countries?”


If O had been smart he would have never trusted Joe with anything top secret!


“You go Joe, blow a big giant hole in O’s legacy!”


Excerpts from articles


Barack Obama’s coldness towards the man who was supposedly his best friend in the months after Beau Biden died speaks to the heart of the former president’s true character. If it doesn’t benefit Obama, he has no time for it. The two men have not been seen together publicly since their terms ended in January, so they clearly were not as close as the media portrayed them. It is entirely understandable that Joe Biden now doesn’t feel like palling around with the man who snubbed him so badly after he had been nothing but loyal over many years.


One of Joe Biden's biggest selling points as a presidential candidate is the residual glow he enjoys from his time as vice president to Barack Obama.


But, Obama has, on multiple occasions, tried to dissuade Biden from running for president


First, in 2016, Obama pressured Biden to sit out the race because he believed Hillary Clinton was the best shot at continuing his legacy


Even though that didn't pan out for Obama, he still tried to talk Biden out of running in 2020 as well.


"You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t!", Mr. Obama told Mr. Biden earlier this year,


Multiple sources confirmed to the Times that the ex-president warned Joe Biden's advisers to make sure that Biden doesn't "embarrass himself" or "damage his legacy."

Anonymous ID: cc6174 Dec. 23, 2019, 6:25 p.m. No.7604971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5017


Dude I know how you feel, perhaps you’re an empath, you actually feel the feelings of a lot of people around or in the world. Many anons are tired but the one thing we can’t do is give up. I’m praying for you! Get done distance from people, go out in nature, turn off the news and research. Get centered abc stay sound for the big reveal! It will be something, look for the good and definitely do not watch tv. Please stay centered on what and if you are feeling your own life or others. Separate from sympathy or empathy for a while. It’s difficult when we are sensitive but you can do it

Anonymous ID: cc6174 Dec. 23, 2019, 6:44 p.m. No.7605172   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because we’d rather not err on the side of pushing someone over the edge. We don’t want to assume something that could make a person take their own life. And we’d rather try to support a possible anon instead of assuming it’s a slide. We’ve had many slides on this board, I just don’t want to make someone feel worse for they’d feelings. My sister took her own life and none of us knew how bad it was. Err on the side of love and compassion. Nothing wrong with that