What is being hidden?
WTF? Is the photo taken in Brussels, where the EU is headquartered?
Is that what is really behind the blacked out spot? I know stars are not what they seem but can they put whatever they want in the stars (to fuck with us, of course)?
It's just a joke, right?
What is that? Lights hung from power lines? People say the universe is not what we think it is. There is a dome over the earth, therefore no universe? I remember a twilight zone where people were miniaturized and the trees and everything were just props like a movie. I know things are weird, but can it get weirder than we even know?
Uh oh, I don't know if I'll be able to handle that without Anons in my area. I know you all are online, but it's nice to actually have a conversation with someone who knows what we are going through.
That's not nice. We've learned some really crazy shit, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least. I don't think the sun is real. I know it is a simulator because I saw the patent on Google, but is has been scrubbed. BUT, thanks for the Pepe - I save them.
Thanks Anon.