Anonymous ID: 895b7f Dec. 23, 2019, 9:49 p.m. No.7606981   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6995

Notwithstanding Bob Whitaker’s online mantra, “white genocide” is a myth [6]. By calling white race replacement “genocide,” we trivialize the enormity of this crime for cheap rhetorical purposes. Not only is non-white immigration not “white genocide,” it isn’t “invasion” either, since non-whites have been invited by whites to settle in white countries. Neither are whites being ethnically cleansed or “dispossessed” of their own nations, since they are freely giving away everything they have received from their ancestors, often with smiles on their faces. In this case,

non-white replacement migration is more accurately described as collective white racial suicide

which is not the same thing as genocide, invasion and ethnic cleansing.

