Anonymous ID: fbc330 Dec. 23, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.7607396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7405 >>7428 >>7456 >>7523

Andrea Chalupa sister of Alexandra Chalupa at Bette Midler's Foundation NYRP Hulaween & Spring Garden Events (1 of 2)


Andrea Chalupa



At Bette’s Hulaween: Mayor Bloomberg “Dressed” as Matt Damon



Andrea Chalupa Background


Andrea Chalupa is a journalist and the author of Orwell and The Refugees: The Untold Story of Animal Farm. She has written for TIME, The Atlantic, The Daily Beast, and Forbes. Some of the institutions where she has spoken include Columbia University, McGill University, and the National Press Club in Washington, DC. She is a founder of DigitalMaidan, an online movement that made the Ukrainian protests the #1 trending topic on Twitter worldwide at a time when the mainstream media was obsessing over Justin Bieber’s arrest in Miami. Her first screenplay, about the intrepid, young Welsh journalist Gareth Jones helping inspire George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the book that made him famous, is in development in Europe.

“Odyssey” version:

My mother and father were born in displaced persons camps in 1945 Europe. The hellish machine of the Soviet Union that their parents escaped has been one of my major preoccupations for the past decade, leading me to discover a priceless “gift” from George Orwell in our family. This is the subject of a lecture I gave at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. I expanded the lecture into the book Orwell and the Refugees: The Untold Story of Animal Farm, with a beautiful cover illustrated by artist, activist, and investigative journalist Molly Crabapple whose work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). I’m a longtime contributor to the Huffington Post, and I helped launch online video for Condé Nast Portfolio and AOL Money & Finance. I regularly reported on-camera for these outlets, and covered the presidential conventions, the Sundance Film Festival, and Ford Motor Company’s Scientific Research Laboratory. After graduating from the University of California at Davis with high honors in History, I worked as a community organizer in the 2004 presidential election, wrote for the Portland Mercury in Portland, Oregon, and lived in Kyiv, Ukraine where I auditioned to be a national news anchor. Since marrying a Parisian, I’ve been expanding my waistline and knowledge of wines and cheeses, and I’m learning French by taking my sweet time reading Le Petit Prince. This classic French children’s book was the theme of our wedding in Miami.

Anonymous ID: fbc330 Dec. 23, 2019, 11:01 p.m. No.7607451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7456

'''Andrea Chalupa Continued" (2 of 2)


At Bette’s Hulaween: Mayor Bloomberg “Dressed” as Matt Damon



Ukraine Tried to Tip the Election in Clinton’s Favor

Evidence reveals that Ukraine intervened to tilt the election in favor of its national interests

Anonymous ID: fbc330 Dec. 23, 2019, 11:27 p.m. No.7607540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7545 >>7548 >>7570

Hollyweird Files: Bette Midler Exposed




Who is Bette married to? Things are about to get really interesting. Martin von Haselberg is an Argentinean born actor and performance artist who is largely recognized for his work on the 1982 television film The Mondo Beyondo Show. He and fellow performer Brian Routh founded the performance art troupe the Kipper Kids.


The Kipper Kids Let’s look at the performance duo Martin founded and performed in, The Kipper Kids. “…the character was born literally of hallucination, under the influence of LSD. Indeed, for many years The Kipper Kids were fueled by real-time consumption of large quantities of hard liquor during their performances. Later, much like the shaman who no longer requires hallucinogens to go into a trance state, the post-alcohol Kipper Kids found they were able to achieve the obliteration of control that, without the drugs, was a fundamental underpinning of their work.” Indy Week. Devoid of purpose, indeed. As if it was intended to put the audience into a demoralized, hopeless trance. “Our work may be about our own lurking, festering violent impulses,” said von Haselberg in ’81, “and perhaps it shows people, in a magnified way, what may lurk beneath their own calm exteriors.” Kipper Kids =”sadism” “…they parlayed a violent act which involved whips, broken glass, physical confrontation and sometimes fireworks to shake up their audiences.” “It was ritualistic violence…blood-splattered audience” #WakeUpAmerica


Kipper Kids Connections Kipper Kids were in a movie called the Forbidden Zone, directed by Richard Elfman (brother of Danny). Elfman’ created a band called Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo. Satanic symbolism pervades their work. Formed in LA in 1979, The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo, later known just as Oingo Boingo (and later yet, just as Boingo), was the later evolution of a musical theatrical group that was originally put together by Richard Elfman. Having formed The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingoin 1972, Rick later passed the Oingo Boingo torch over to his brother Danny and turned his efforts to producing movies. Here’s one called “Little Girls,” that portrays how the Mystic Knights feel about pedophilia. The first line is: Little Girls, they make me feel so good Danny Elfman has a revealing Instagram page. He and his brother seem to be overly fascinated with the occult. Also: Links to Scientology see imaged post.


Now, Onto More Good Stuff. Bette’s husband’s real name is Martin Rochus Sebastian von Haselberg. He was born in 1949, and he’s from Argentina. Assuming that has sunk in a little, let’s brush up on Project Paperclip, also known as Operation Paperclip.


Operation Paperclip At least sixteen hundred scientific and research specialists and thousands of their dependents were brought to the U. S. under Operation Paperclip. Hundreds of others arrived under two other Paperclip-related projects and went to work for universities, defense contractors, and CIA fronts. The Paperclip operation eventually became such a juggernaut that in 1956 one American ambassador characterized it as “a continuing U.S. recruitment program which has no parallel in any other Allied country.”3 Nazi researchers, scientists and royalty were also brought to S. America and primarily, Argentina. ARGENTINA was a hotbed of fascism in exile. Nazi fugitives on the run arrived by the boatloads in Buenos Aires, carrying false papers provided by pro-Nazi Catholic priests who helped them travel Vatican escape routes to freedom in South America. Croatian Nazis, Italian Fascists, and a Norwegian Nazi doctor charged with conducting experiments on humans all arrived in Buenos Aires carrying their “irregular” documentation. One talkative Abwehr intelligence officer, Otto Wiedemann, even boasted when he arrived in 1949 that he had been allowed to escape from an American POW camp in Germany after bribing an Army Counter Intelligence Corps officer. “I would never have gotten out of American C.I.C hands, had there not been one second lieutenant who liked $300 more,” Wiedemann said. Von Haselberg sounds like royalty. Could Martin’s father have had something to do with the Nazis? But, why would Bette, an avowed Jew, marry a Nazi, or Nazi sympathizer? The cue lies in her heritage:


Place of Birth: Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii Date of Birth: December 1, 1945 'Ethnicity:' Ashkenazi Jewish

This means she’s a Khazarian Jew. Think, Khazarian Mafia.

Anonymous ID: fbc330 Dec. 23, 2019, 11:38 p.m. No.7607573   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed, I believe we might be able to find additional connections between the NYRP, CF, GS…


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