Anonymous ID: a4d062 Dec. 24, 2019, 12:39 a.m. No.7607815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8192


False transmissions build dreams and leak into the subconscious…


Some groups 'sacrifice' in order to trigger more of these events.


But as for us, our sacrifice is the world "loving not our lives to the death."


And these principalities fight and their avatars, like OSS, club of rome, tavisstock, open society, gather up and do more damage in unnofficial capacity.


We've won; i believe that.


What's decided now is the casualty list and how many.


Salvage operation.




This board is both wide AND deep; I believe Q knows how wide it is and respects its depth. Q is a believer, and maybe a little more.


Why do all of this?


"Timing is everything."


This knack for timing/seeing is awesome.

Anonymous ID: a4d062 Dec. 24, 2019, 12:54 a.m. No.7607869   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Time being an observation of Entropy, what happens when you flood systems with entropy?


Yeah, could be…


What I was thinking


Magnetic pole acceleration + the 'grid' + solar cycle.


Systems have their own energy loosely connected to larger systems; so the entropy of one doesnt correspond to the other; esp. to supposed conscious observers. Dimensional thinking and relative thinking are useful:

Galactic year makes Universe 50 'years' old.