Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 12:03 a.m. No.7607686   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7696 >>7739


Yeah I remember that. Def.



Q seems to be just leading the DS around with carrots all over the place. We know "the Senate was the target". Well oh shit, now [they] know it's the target too. So what do they do? Hold it up.


But where have they left themselves utterly exposed in doing so? And with Patriots' precision, their target is perfectly posed wide out in the open, waiting to be executed.


But this time, it's the lynchpin, and the whole thing comes crashing down in an agonizing, slow-motion symphony of justice.


Also, this is really already happening with Epstein having been removed. You know, the keystone..



This is absolutely about all that other stuff. Everything is connected. Can't have a true win in one area without a win in the other.

Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.7607713   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7719


Man that would be a great Christmas present.


Coupled with a major arrest or two.


I have my hopes up (secretly, deep down) that there will be an arrest either today or tomorrow. At least before the end of the year.


Q said indictments were coming [2019], and there have been a few..


But I really really reallllyyyyyy want a BIG one.




Merry Christmas, anon!

Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 12:26 a.m. No.7607761   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7772


Brain-exploding expanded thinking.


Like when Neo goes into shock when his entire mind and body gets hit with a completely up-ended reality that there's no "waking up" from..


You know there's so much disclosure in movies about what really happens to people in situations like that.


We say "that's just in the movies.." but from a psycho-physiological standpoint, I wouldn't doubt if that is exactly what happens to people who get hit with the whole freight train all at once.


We gotta wake up one bite at a time.


The whole time going "oh shit! oh shit! this is real!! wtffffff!!"


Man I got hit with a big one the other day with the JQโ€ฆ

Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 12:45 a.m. No.7607835   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7844 >>7900


We are ALL ready for it to begin to be answered, tho.

We need it.

With a media that is honest, and has the people at heart, one small redpill a day, and a bigger one on sundays would keep the cyborgs away..

And it wouldn't take 50 to 100 years to finally get to the point where we could accept something like NESARA.


If we had a medical system and an education system that was for the people, we would learn that our thoughts affect our bodies as equally as what we eat does.


We could grow so much healthier, so much faster.

So much wiser, with so much more depth.

We would live twice as long immediately, because our food would stop being poisoned, and people would be eating things that help clean the inside of their bodies (on a cellular level) instead of eating things that contribute to the body getting backed up with toxins and no place for them to go. (turns into all kinds of disease, including cancer)


The money slave system would be GONE in zero time because of free energy. And the need to buy things? What for? I have a replicator that creates anything I download off the internet, including the healthiest food. And it runs off the free energy..


Now that i'm free from the debt-slave system, wtf am i going to do with my life?


Great questionโ€ฆ

One I'll probably think about a lot over then next yearโ€ฆ 5 years..

Maybe I'll even begin to figure it out.

Maybe I'll be introduced to ET races that have been on this evolutionary growth journey a few thousand years longer than we have, who have figured out their place in the cosmos, and what they're here to be doing.


How much growth - spiritually, emotionally, mentally (400+ IQ on the regular these ET races, higher density beings practically omnicient compared to us).


Maybe I'll get to start actually doing a little bit of what I was made for originally.

How utterly fulfilling.


Love, man. So good.

Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 1:09 a.m. No.7607925   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7932


Straight. All the while eating poison pills for breakfast lunch and dinner, because the doctor you trust told you to take them (while he gets a kick back for every prescription he writes on your life).




We gotta expel the soy and shit from our lives that they've fed us and get our warrior's battle-cry back.

We've been so com-fucking-placent and pacified..


But we have to do it right. Like Q said.

We just can't afford to get sloppy because we're so comfy..

This is still a war.


"No one who engages in war concerns himself with the affairs of this life."


Christmas dinners with "family" who have refused over and over to accept the truth you offer - the truth you offer in love, no less.


Jesus said, "these are my mother and brothers and sisters, the ones who do the will of my Father."


Who are our family but the ones who've rejected the poison-laced temptation of a life of keeping your head down and following the crowd? The mainstream..


Fuck that. This is eternity we're fucking talking about.

Who's going to trade THEIR PLACE IN ETERNITY for a comfortable little sit-in-your-sunday-pew, don't-ask-questions, do-as-you're-told, eat-the-poison little life?


And I'm not talking about just not going to hell. Most people on this board who are even slightly interested in being beneficial to humanity have that covered.


I'm talking about your place in the Father's kingdom.

This is a RACE, a BATTLE.

And the biggest fight we have is within ourselves.

The next biggest fight is FOR our brother and sister.


Anons here are fighting hard.

Reward for their fight.

Big one.

There are many others around the world fighting in different ways.




All fighting for justice.



Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 1:28 a.m. No.7607972   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>7983 >>8000 >>8060


I completely agree, anon.

Which is why I think one of Q's main targets is the media.

He spoke about a WH-controlled video streaming platform.

WH-controlled news website..


Is the biggest thing in the way of accomplishing the gentle awakening of those that have

>>nary a clue about anything but focusing on one day at a time



We must have a true and honest media.


To televise the great awakening.


It has reached critical mass..

Now all it needs is to be shone.





Shine your light on this movement across the entire world!

Show the world what you've done here!

Give the world what you've given us!

Put your lamp which is in this place on a lampstand, AND AWAKEN THE MASSES TO THE TRUTH,


This is the truth which sets free, Lord.

Free us.

Free them.

Love demands it, Father.

In Jesus' mighty name!

Amen, God.


Holy shit I love you guys!


Merry Christmas, Anons!

You all are amazing human beings!


PS- Perfect is the enemy of good. Jesus left Paul's thorn in his side so he could fully accept Christ's grace. None of us are perfect, and he isn't gonna let us be. So don't worry about whether you're good enough for God or not - YOU ARE - he's good with you. The gospel of peace is this: God has nothing against you anymore, so move on from it, because he has. Now we're free to get down to bidnasss whoopin' that devil butt! (Part of our job, to crush the head of the serpent.)

Shit i better stop preachin..


Much love anons!

Anonymous ID: b41b1c Dec. 24, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7608045   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


True that.

Hospital visits to remove toxins and diseases with advanced technology.

Major life-extension with one hospital visit.

Indefinite life-extension with clean diet, clean environment, clean emotional/mental/spiritual vibes?

