Anonymous ID: b425a8 Dec. 24, 2019, 5:09 a.m. No.7608327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8339 >>8345 >>8359

Canada WILL become Venenzuela


Canada is on the path that Venezuela took. Stop being in denial.


The only thing that can stop it is if someone like Bernier becomes leader, but we know the chance of that happening is 1%.


Financially, morally and socially, this country is a mess and will continue to get worse before it gets better, if ever.


"To those who have ears, let them hear."


How should a sane person prepare:


1a) Get out of debt and start being minimalist. fuk your new car, your new house, your $6 starbucks shit water and your new iphone. Minimize all vices like cigarette, alcohol, gambling, basically stop being a modern degenerate. Each stupid purchase you make is a nail in your future coffin. Who are you trying to impress?


1b)Create multi-generational households, like how it has been for all of human history.


Example) Punjabis - My punjabi friend lives in a house with, although excessive, 12-15 people. The parents, the 3 adult children, their spouses, their children. Imagine the household income and the social support system. They are eyeing up a 5000 sqft house now.


Oh you dont like this idea? Have fun wasting your rightful inheritance on senior homes for your boomer parents lol.


1c) Dont let your kids waste money on stupid, useless post secondary education. Refer to # 2.


1d) The only thing worth investing in as of now, since real estate and stock markets are at an all time high, are precious metals. Dont be a fool, dont FOMO into bubble assets, knowing that everyone is borrowing money to the max. You can enter these markets when prices correct/retrace. Visit greater fool . ca for investment advice for the average person written by a former MP.


2) Learn to fix things, build things, grow things or fix/heal the human body. These dont have to be your career, but they should definitely be a hobby.


3) Learn another language. Im pretty sure most people on metacanada only speak 1 language. It sharpens the mind and if nothing else makes you more interesting.


The real reason however is that learning 1 makes it easier to learn another, you know, in case you decide to move to a saner country lol. Check out pimsleur audiobooks to start.


4) Focus on developing a community especially within a small local CHURCH. "OH NO, RELIGION". shut up neckbeard. The small churches, uninfected by the modern rot are the true conservatives. In times of personal, family, financial issues, they will be your welfare net. Obviously you have to vet the church to see if they are hypocrites or true, faithful and kind people.


The family and the church (lowercase) were the social and welfare nets throughout history, something that is no longer the case because daddy government took its place.


5) If you are in ANY position of power, keep fighting the good fight. Do not be complacent with it, you have much responsibility.


6) Stay fit, stay healthy. Stop being a fatass. Learn to fast. It goes back to # 1, just stop CONSUMING aimlessly.


7) "He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”