Anonymous ID: 5a88b8 Dec. 24, 2019, 6:08 a.m. No.7608565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9088

The one thing all Americans should agree on is what America is. And that is not a Democratic Socialist Nation. Not a Democracy, that Franklin described as 2 Wolves and a Lamb voting on what is for dinner. IE, Majority rule/Mob rule, like the DemonRats in the House Impeaching the POTUS simply because they held the Majority. America is a Representative Constitutional Republic founded on the Rule of Law. Just as Franklin replied when asked what do we have: A Republic, if you can keep it. Somewhere along the line Politicians got brainwashed and programmed into calling America a Democracy and now most of them keep saying it. The Idea that America is wasting Sweat, Blood, and Treasure; bombing the Mid-East into submission to spread Democracy. When we should be promoting the Idea of a Republic. Where all the People have Life, Liberty, Prosperity, and the pursuit of Happiness. And Inalienable Rights endowed by their Creator. Our Constitution and the principles and precepts should not stop at our Borders. The Golden Rule is no Mystery and is something that any child can understand.