Anonymous ID: 7f7974 Dec. 24, 2019, 5:28 a.m. No.7608397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8578 >>9152

Brennan has some answering to do!

CIA and Media collusion.

sediticious conspiracy.


BILL BINNEY: I basically have always been saying that all of this Russian hack never happened, but we have some more evidence coming out recently. We haven’t published it yet, but what we have seen is that there are at least five items that we’ve found that were produced by Guccifer 2.0 back on June 15th, where they had the Russian fingerprints in them, suggesting the Russians made the hack. Well, we found the same five items published by Wikileaks in the Podesta emails. Those items do not have the Russian fingerprints, which directly implies that Guccifer 2.0 was inserting these into the files to make it look like the Russians did this hack. Taking that into account with all the other evidence we have; like the download speeds from Guccifer 2.0 were too fast, and they couldn’t be managed by the web. And that the files he was putting together and saying that he actually hacked, the two files he said he had were really one file, and he was playing with the data; moving it to two different files to claim two hacks. Taking that into account with the fabrication of the Russian fingerprints, it leads us back to inferring that in fact the marble framework out of the Vault 7 compromise of CIA hacking routines was a possible user in this case. In other words, it looked like the CIA did this, and that it was a matter of the CIA making it look like the Russians were doing the hack. So, when you look at that and also look at the DNC emails that were published by Wikileaks that have this phat file format in them, all 35,813 of these emails have rounded off times to the nearest even second. That’s a phat file format property; that argues that those files were, in fact, downloaded to a thumb drive or CD-rom and physically transported before Wikileaks posted them. Which again argues that it wasn’t a hack. So, all of the evidence we’re finding is clearly evidence that the Russians were not in fact hacking; it was probably our own people. It’s very hard for us to get this kind of information out. The mainstream media won’t cover it; none of them will. It’s very hard. We get some bloggers to do that and some radio shows.


Also, I put all of this into a sworn affidavit in the Roger Stone case. I did that because all of the attack on him was predicated on him being connected with this Russian hack which was false to being with. All the evidence we’re accumulating clearly says and implies, the US government — namely the FBI, CIA, the DOJ, and of course State Department — all these people involved in this hack, bought a dossier and all of the information going forward to the FISA court. All of them knew that this was a fake from the very beginning, because this Guccifer 2.0 character was fabricating it. They were using him plus the Internet Research Agency [IRA] as “supposed trolls of the Russian government”. Well, when they sent their lawyers over to challenge that in a court of law, the government failed to prove they had any connection with the Russian government. They basically were chastised by the judge for fabricating a charge against this company. So, if you take the IRA and the trolls away from that argument, and Guccifer 2.0, then the entire Mueller report is a provable fabrication; because it’s based on Guccifer 2.0 and the IRA. Then the entire Rosenstein indictment is also a fabrication and a fake and a fraud for the same reasons. The judges seem to be involved in trying to keep this information out of the public domain. So, we have a really extensive shadow government here at work, trying to keep the understanding and knowledge of what’s really happening away from the public of the United States. That’s the really bad part. And the mainstream media is a participant in this; they’re culpable.

Anonymous ID: 7f7974 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:04 a.m. No.7608822   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8856 >>8952

I know the right people read this page so here it goes.


The senate are judges in the case of impeachment. They cannot be Jurors due to the exact wording in Article III section 2.

"The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury;"

Article I sec 3

"The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments."


This means they are a panel of judges….

The evidence they are placing judgment on are the articles of impeachment.


A judge can ask the defendant prior to judgment if there is any evidence they would like to submit to the panel.


End this narrative, ammend the rules, and send them packing.


Oh if evidence is produced to the panel by the defendant it can be used for future cases….

Anonymous ID: 7f7974 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:34 a.m. No.7608981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9006


To be more clear. By Presiding it is an essential requirement to ensure fairness. Laws are followed. They arent Jurors. That would mean they are the Jury. Impeachment is not tried by jury.

Anonymous ID: 7f7974 Dec. 24, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.7609079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I fail to find your "quoted material" in the constitution. This would merely make it an opinion not based on wording of the constitution.


There are presiding judges on panels of judges


"Except in articles of impeachment" clearly is in reference to jury.