TY Baker!!! Merry Christmas.
>shrimp in your curtain rods.
There are a diverse cast of characters in the Q movement. Never hurts to get help from some of these folks with tons of followers. The moment they start playing "gatekeeper" is when the red flags should start waving.
Endothelium cells are DIRECTLY damaged by eating just about anything from animals. Excessive pussy-mindedness and fealty are the direct results of Veganism. As always, somewhere in between is the best course of action for most. Finding a balance is the toughest thing in the world when you live in a society of plenty. People have a tendency to gravitate to their favorite meals and over do it.
Human are omnivores, and are generally terrible at practicing moderation. Then they turn to medicine/drugs to fix the problem, which leads to other medicines/drugs, which becomes a downward spiral.
-Stop eating fast food; period.
-Try to purchase meats that are grass fed and hormone free.
-Exercise moderately. You are not a pro ball player, or a triathlete. Moderate is best.
-Your brain burns more calories than any other organ in your body. Read a fucking book or do what we're doing here; exercise that brain!
-If you can't pronounce it (additives, preservatives, etc.), don't consume it. If you are smart enough to pronounce it, then you should be smart enough to not eat it.
-Take a daily multivitamin.
-Drink water. Lots of it.
-Stop eating fast food; period. No, not even that Chick-fil-a sammich you love so much.