butt jooooos plug
willcock #willfaggot 4 #shekels
mass produced myopia gossip serveing quueer jew necromacy shekels
still dead
>still dead
cabalists even got "pootie pie" murdered by the nieghbors because of /qresearch/
that was a great bitch
we should make our
closet homos fight for
closet communism
are the sardonic throne feltchers getting your yule log wek soze'd
the "keystone" is your tombstone
which we left in a portashitter
during the cold war
sepultura your apocrypha judas fehgel berliner off saurkrauter
butt jooooos was it gay when homo assholes faggot?
but did your memes fight for the peanut butters?
>Who runs the DNC?real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers
>real peanut butter memers