Lord we gather in your name to celebrate the birth of our Lord, the Son of Man, Jesus Christ who redeems Man with words of instruction and outreach from God. God we gather to celebrate the work of your Son who is the usher in the pouring down of the Holy Spirit to fill us with truth.
Lord be with our US Armed Forces and their families, bring them joy in this season and bring their families near as they experience the separations from their loved ones. Bless our enemies, our friends, our families, and our Realm. Lord let your presence flow down and blanket our land with the security that freedom offers.
Lord give us wisdom and discernment in the just and the unjust, the moral and the immoral. Lord pierce the darkness with your light. Lord guide us and keep us safe in our journey to a more perfect union as a person, as a people, as a culture and a as a Nation of obedient souls inspired to your purpose that comes with earnest meditative prayer.
Lord bless us all, the lonely, the afflicted, those in prison and those who are home bound. Lord give comfort and bring the peace to those that seek joy and purpose in their lives.
God, we proclaim this as the Season of bearing witness to the birth of the Son of Man to save us all from Satan's power.
God flow through us as we recite these joyous words 'Merry Christmas' to friend and stranger alike.
Lord harbor us in your safe word.
All these things we pray to you through your Son, Jesus Christ.
(Prior post - no idea that file was attached. It didn't show in file after last post- glitch sorry)