Anonymous ID: 1f9cad Dec. 24, 2019, 3:11 p.m. No.7612461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2476 >>2487 >>2667 >>2910

Is Chief Justice John Roberts a Democrat Sleeper Judge?


>Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has Voted with the 4 Liberal Judges on the Most Important Decisions



Roberts Voted Yes on Obamacare


His "dramatic switch" to vote with the 4 Liberal Democrat Judges surprised many people.


>Was Judge Roberts Blackmailed?

Judge Roberts and his wife Jane Sullivan Roberts adopted 2 blond children in 2000. A boy and a girl, both infants at the time, about 4 months apart in age. They've been said to have been adopted from a Latin American country- something inconsistent with their Nordic coloring.It was a private adoption, done without an agency. It was arranged privately with the birth parents.The suspicion was that the children came from Ireland.


If Judge Roberts' kids came from Ireland, that would have been 2 illegal adoptions because

Irish law bars both private adoptions and adoptions that take children out of Ireland


After Judge Roberts Voted Yes for Obamacare, why did he flee to Malta for 2 weeks?





Chief Justice John Roberts Voted No on the Citizenship Question on the Census 2020

"but only after changing his position behind the scenes". Again, a surprising switcheroo to vote with the 4 Liberal Judges.



Was Chief Justice Roberts Compromised by the Obama Era of Corruption?

Although Roberts began his career on the court significantly tending to vote conservatively, this trend diminished over time to the point in which in two terms, 2013 and 2014,Roberts actually voted in the liberal direction more frequently than he did in the conservative direction.



Chief Justice John Roberts Appointed All the Judges of the FISA Court


The court's judges are appointed solely by the Chief Justice of the United States without confirmation or oversight by the U.S. Congress.



Upcoming in the next Supreme Court Term 2020:

*Second Amendment Gun Rights

*End Deportation Protection for 800,000 "DREAMers"



*The Definition of "sex" (transgender)


>Judge Roberts is called the "Swing Vote" but which side does he really "swing for" on the Biggest Issues?


5-3, really?


If/when RBG is declared Dead, that leaves 8 Justices.

If Chief Justice Roberts votes with the remaining 3 Liberal Judges, we will have



>'''What happens when the Supreme Court is Deadlocked 4-4?==

Anonymous ID: 1f9cad Dec. 24, 2019, 3:32 p.m. No.7612625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2820


ISRAEL DID 9-11- A Who's Who


1. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) -


"We are benefiting from the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon.” Worked in a nuclear smuggling ring Project Pinto.


2. Ehud Barak (real name: Brog) –


Spent 6 months in the US preceding 9/11 as a chief consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, Mossad-run.

Among these products are Nano-composite explosives laced with Thermite, used to blow up the Twin Towers.


3. Ehud Olmert –

Was in New York the very night before the attacks to make the final preparations. Connected to Menachem Atzmon of ICTS. 


4,5. Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel–

Owners of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), which ran the security at the Boston and Newark airports


6. Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski)–

Pioneered the WMD base at Dimona on occupied Palestinian land in Al-Naqab that produces the Thermite used in the 9/11 horror.


7. Isser Harel (real name: Halperin)– Founder of Mossad

Masterminded the operation with Avraham Bendor and Peter Zvi Malkin, and Israeli arms peddler Shaul Eisenberg, to obtain the blueprints for the WTC, facilitated by Port Authority Executive Director Stephen Berger.


8. Mordechai “Motti” Hod (real name: Fein) –

Israeli occupation Air Force Major General and architect of the USS Liberty Massacre.

The military point man for Peres, Mossad on 9/11.


9. Michael Chertoff–

Second Secretary of Homeland Security and prior to that, chief of the criminal div. of the Justice Dept. from 2001-2003. Patriot Act author. Son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, and Livia Eisen, founding female operative of Mossad.


14. Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, and Oded Ellner–

>Mossad spies who have come to be known as “the 5 Dancing Israelis”

After being detained, their bodies and van testing positive for explosives, proclaimed, “We’re here to document the event.”


15. Dominick Otto Suter–

Mossad owner of Israeli Intelligence front Urban Moving Systems where the 5 Dancing Israelis worked. Overseer and the chief of a Mossad op to gather intelligence on various Arab orgs in the Tri-State Area.


16. Morris Kahn–

>Israeli owner/founder of Amdocs, which collects processing data for 90% of the phone calls, emails and text messages in America, including several agencies of the US ZOG.


At least 60 Israeli spies, all of whom were operatives in the fields of Military Intelligence and explosive ordinance were detained on 9/11, and more than 140 Israeli spies were detained shortly before the events. A large swathe of them worked at Amdocs.


19. Alvin Hellerstein –the Judge on all of the cases run by Skadden Arps.


21. Gal Israeli –

Cedar Fund’s co-founder. Also a Talpion connected to a plethora of high-tech start-ups. Prior to partnering up with Amnon Shoham and pouring cash into Israeli Intelligence assets like Guardium, Managing Director in the High Tech Investment Banking group of Bear Stearns.


24. Kenneth Feinberg –

Set up the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund and forced the 9/11 Victims’ families to waive their right to sue the government for criminal negligence in exchange for a little over a Million shekels-I mean dollars- apiece.

>Wife, Dede, is the former president of the Jewish Federation in DC and a major bankroller of Jewish causes through Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County in Bethesda, MD.


25. “Lucky” Larry Silverstein – Mr. “Pull It.”

Friend of every Israeli Premier of the last 30 years, phone conversations with Netanyahu every Sunday. United Jewish Appeal bigwig. Co-owned the Twin Towers with Haganah terrorist and IOF Golani Brigades commando Frank Lowy. His buddies Lewis Eisenberg and Ronald Lauder, privatized the WTC for the first time in history and helped him get the lease.


>Silverstein Collected 7 $Billion Dollars from the Insurance Settlement


26. '''Rabbi Dov Zakheim –

Pentagon Comptroller who disappeared $3.3 trillion and sent it to the usurping Zionist entity to pay for new warplanes that would be used in the slaughter of Palestinians and Lebanese. Head honcho of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) that manufactured the FTS (Flight Termination System) equipped under the fuselages of the planes that hit the WTC.'''  


Ronald S. Lauder-

On Ronald Reagan’s defence policy board 1981.

Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at Mossad Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel. Was head of the World Jewish Congress.


>These are the Criminals who brought down the World Trade Center and blew up the Pentagon.


These are the Murderers of 2,996 Americans on September 11th, 2001.




Anonymous ID: 1f9cad Dec. 24, 2019, 3:40 p.m. No.7612681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2692 >>2773

Israel Bombed the US Marine Barracks in Beirut


*Robert David Steele was 2nd highest ranking civilian In Marine Corps Intelligence when the Long Commission on the Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing came out.

*Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing - Oct. 23, 1983 Attack killed 307 people.


killed 241 US Marines

-58 French soldiers

-6 civilians and the 2 attackers


He says that it was not done by Iran, but by Zionist Israel.


9:01 "There is nothing in the Long Commission that can in any way connect Iran to the Marine Barracks Bombing in Beirut.  However … I'll go a step further, what others have Not been willing to say. That Barracks Bombing occurred almost one month to the Day, after a single Marine following orders stopped a Zionist Tank Column from going outside of the established containment lines."


9:31 "I believe the Marine Beirut Barracks Bombing, like the USS Liberty, and like 9/11, was done by Zionist Israel. In order to hurt the United States, and also push the United States into Middle East chaos"


*On Jared Kushner, Mossad, Ivanka marriage:

13:07 "now Jared Kushner, is another Zionist in the White House. Kushner's been reported by MI6 to one of my many London contacts, as someone who is a closet homosexual, who is being sexually and financially compromised by more than one Zionist Sugar Daddy based in New York City."


13:40 "Yes, I have written publicly that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of Robert Maxwell, the very famous Zionist Spy……. I believe that they profiled both Ivanka and Chelsea Clinton. Then the Mossad ran a series of Ashkenazi Jews in front of both of them, so as to Capture both those daughters for the Zionist Tribe".


37:25 "Senator Schumer is an out and out traitor. I think he is an unregistered agent of a foreign power. He works for Israel….. He should be fired, indicted and expelled."


38:18 "Haaretz (publication) in Israel is saying : Is it time for all Jews to Boycott Zionist Israel?"


38:36 "The power of Israel in the United States is based on Bribery, Blackmail and Lies".


38:46 "The second big thing in 2020,  is going to be  9/11 and Expelling Zionists from the US Economy, the US Government and US Society…….. If you are a dual citizen, I am taking away your Passport and sending you back to Israel."



"There are 23, 25 states that demand that you swear a Loyalty Oath to Israel before you can have a State job or have a contract with the State."


40:07 "There are 90 people in Congress at least, who have sponsored legislation that have makes it a Felony to criticize Israel…..I would be going to every single one of their Districts and ask: do you people really want someone in Congress who represents Israel ? rather than the United States?"


41:50 "Zionists own the Dept. of State,… they own the Dept. of Commerce, they own the Dept. of Treasury, and they own the Dept. of Defense."


Wake Up, America!

Anonymous ID: 1f9cad Dec. 24, 2019, 3:45 p.m. No.7612725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2729



Ben Fulford August 26, 2019:

Pentagon Plans to Deport Zionists To Siberia


>The U.S. military-industrial complex is making serious moves against Zionists, preparing to expel many of them to a Jewish autonomous zone in Siberia, Pentagon sources say.


These moves are related to talk of a global financial reset that would end Zionist control of privately owned Central Banks, the sources say.


'''The de facto U.S. military government “declared war on the Jewish mafia on their saddest day, Tisha B’av,” the sources say.

Documents related to pedophile blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein were unsealed on August 9 and “he was ‘suicided’ on August 10 to fast-track the prosecution of others, since all evidence is now admissible without any court challenge,” the Pentagon sources say.'''

>“The first temple that was destroyed 586 BC, the second temple destroyed in 70 AD, the 1290 expulsion from England, the 1492 expulsion from Spain, and now the termination of Zionism on Tisha B’av may lead to forced transfers to the Jewish autonomous zone in the Russian Far East, as Jews receive karmic justice for their centuries of anti-goy perfidy,” the Pentagon sources declare.


The sources add, “Epstein is apparently a military operative who may have been exfiltrated to eradicate Mossad blackmail operations in the West, the Zionist parasites, the mega group AIPAC, and the entire Israeli 5th column.”


“In a victory lap to Satanists and Zionists, Epstein ‘died’ at 66 years, 6 months, 22 days = 66.6 years at 6am on the Jewish day of mourning,” the sources continue.Sauce: